Unit Seven : Avoid Unnecessary Shifts in a Sentence 避免不必要的句中轉換 柯泰德網路線上科技英 文論文編修訓練服務
作者應避免句中不必 要的主詞、時態及語 態之轉換。
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n The graduate student recorded the data and then writes a summary report. n 較佳 : The graduate student recorded the data and then wrote a summary report.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Turn on the machine if conditions are such that a hazard might occur and the valve should be closed. n 較佳 : Turn on the machine and close the valve if conditions are such that a hazard might occur.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It is interesting that the laboratory manager arranged the meeting and the discussion was led by him. n 較佳 : It is interesting that the laboratory manager arranged the meeting and led the discussion.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Execute the necessary commands provided that they are valid and the program should be reviewed. n 較佳 : Execute the necessary commands provided that they are valid and review the program.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n The manager instructed the employees to arrange the final details and also is the final program ready to print. n 較佳 : The manager instructed the employees to arrange the final and also asked if the final program was ready to print.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n When the engineer attempts to confirm prediction accuracy, you should not neglect possible errors. n 較佳 : When the engineer attempts to confirm prediction accuracy, he or she should not neglect possible errors.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n An application makes calls to the executive kernel services, which will then make calls to the hardware. n 較佳 : An application makes calls to the executive kernel services, which then makes calls to the hardware.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Mice and trackballs are used for the same reason and it performs the same task. n 較佳 : Mice and trackballs are used for the same reason and perform the same task.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Give consideration to the external factors and the surrounding environment must be assessed. n 較佳 : Give consideration to the external factors and assess the surrounding environment.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n The network programmer establishes a link between two or more people so you can exchange information. n 較佳 : The network programmer establishes a link between two or more people to exchange information.
詳細內容請參考 : 科技英文編修訓練手 冊 ( 進階篇 )( 柯泰德 著 ) 網址 : dv.tw/