Power Screws. Ball Screws Problem A stepper motor rotating at 120 rpm is directly coupled to a power screw with a pitch of 1 mm. 1.How fast can the.


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Presentation transcript:

Power Screws

Ball Screws

Problem A stepper motor rotating at 120 rpm is directly coupled to a power screw with a pitch of 1 mm. 1.How fast can the power screw advance the load? 1.If the stepper motor can safely deliver 1 N-m of torque without skipping steps, how much force can be generated by the power screw?

Problem A ball screw with a pitch of 1/8” is raising a mass of 1000 kg. If the efficiency (η) of the screw is 30% 1.What is the torque required? 2.If the torque is provided with a hand crank, with a radius of 0.15 m, what is the force required?