Closing FY 2009 Expired Funds- Update SAC April 23, 2014 Cristy Perrin OALM
Closing FY 2009 PRISM Expired Lines Update Agenda 2
Closing FY 2009 Expired Lines Update 3 Office of Acquisitions2/11/20143/19/144/9/14 OLAO1,5591, NCI NIAID NLM NIDA NHLBI NICHD ORF CC NIEHS NITAAC NIDDK NIMH8821 NIDCD1517 NIA636 NEI2 220
Closing FY 2009 Expired Lines Update (cont.) 4 Office of Acquisitions2/11/20143/19/144/9/14 CIT--2 CSR--4 FIC--5 NCRR--19 NHGRI--11 NIAAA--1 NIAMS--8 NIBIB--7 NIDCR--23 NIGMS--16 NINDS--5 NINR--5 Grand Total5,104 4,7512,694
FY 2009 PRISM Expired Lines with Errors 5 FY 2009 PRISM Lines Eligibility Status# Lines Error – Ineligible 2,586 Eligible - Lines that can be processed by the Program* 108 Total2,694 FY 2009 PRISM Lines by Error Type Error# Lines Inactive PRISM Buyer, CO, or Owner 1,066 In Progress Actions629 Vendor Site Inactive458 Cost Type Plus Contracts271 Other**162 Total2,586 *Note: Buyers/Contracting Officers will still need to report to DCIS within three days after the NBS PRISM Stale Obligation Program processes eligible lines **Note: many of these errors may require NBS intervention. Staff should review the lines and then log an NBS helpdesk request if they cannot resolve the issue; NBS staff can then work directly with affected buyers.
All lines with the exception of lines expecting an invoice by September must be closed by June 20th NBS FINAL CLOSE PROGRAM Program executed on April 4, ,570 lines were closed by the Program Communication released on April 9 from OALM Mailbox: All award lines closed require reporting to DCIS within three days Next run scheduled for May 9, 2014 – Exceptions are due by May 2, 2014 REPORTING Released April 14, 2014 – ARRA Funds identified on TAB 1 (highlighted in yellow) Processed but Disapproved on TAB 2 – 54 lines that had no known errors were unable to be closed by the Program. – Action Required: Buyers and COs must review and validate the lines in PRISM. If they are unable to resolve the issue, they should immediately log a ticket with the NIH IT Service Desk. NBS Final Close Execution and Closing FY 2009 PRISM Expired Lines Update 6
IC Expiring Lines POC – For organizations that have established POCs, exception requests should be sent to these POCs. – The POCs will compile all exception requests in an Excel template and then forward one final list to your organization’s PPMB POC. – Having a POC in each IC/organization will greatly reduce confusion and conflicting messages – For IC/organizations that do not have a POC established, send the exception request to your PPMB contact PPMB POCs – Nieshia Blocker – NIAID, NIDA, NINDS, NIMH, NIEHS, NEI, NIGMS, NCRR, NINR, NIMHD – Sean Holloway – NCI, OD/OLAO, OD/OTT, NICHD, NHLBI, OD/ORS, CC, CIT, NCATS – Cristy Perrin – NIDDK, OD/ORF, NIA, NLM, NIDCR, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIAAA, NIBIB, NIDCD, NCCAM, FIC, CSR, NITAAC Expired Lines POC 7
OrganizationPOC (Primary listed first)PPMB POC NIAIDMahlon Lancaster Mike Kapsilis Nieshia Blocker NINRLinda Fitzwater Lori Glover Nieshia Blocker CITStephanie Greenleaf Robin Lyons Sean Holloway NICHDPaula Stonebanks Tim Soho Moy Sean Holloway NHGRIDavid Schneider Pamela Klein Cristy Perrin CSRValerie Sanders Alicia Caffi Cristy Perrin OD/ORFDan Hall Mona Parikh Sean Holloway Expired Lines POCs 8
OrganizationPOC (Primary listed first)PPMB POC NEIFelicia Powell Bryan Reed Nieshia Blocker NIEHSSyvera O’Pharrow Fran Wagstaff Nieshia Blocker NCILuke Taylor Patrick McGarey Sean Holloway NINDSGlenda Walker Gloria Smith Nieshia Blocker NCATSSabrina Posley Denise Blackwell Sean Holloway NIDDKJeff Weiner TBD Cristy Perrin Expired Lines POCs (cont.) 9
Questions Closing FY 2009 PRISM Expired Lines Questions 10