Using Google Products 4 Session Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited.
Objectives At the end of this session, students will be able to: Explain the method to download and install Google Chrome Describe the procedure to open Web pages in Google Chrome Explain the methods to modify settings in Google Chrome Explain the use of searching Books, Maps, and News on Google 2 Using Google Products / Session 4
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Google Inc. is a multinational company based at the United States of America, and provides several Internet-based products and services The search engine by Google started as a research project by PhD. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford University in California, USA A search engine accepts a search query from the user and searches the World Wide Web for Web pages that match the query The relevance of Web page to the search query is decided depending on its popularity 3 Introduction [1-2] Using Google Products / Session 4
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Traditional search engines ranked the popularity of the Websites based on the number of times the search terms appeared on the Web page Google developed an advanced method for ranking the popularity of Websites and called it the PageRank algorithm The PageRank algorithm ranks a Web page taking into consideration the importance of a Web page, and not just how many times the search query appears on it This results in more relevant Web pages being returned as search results As Google Inc. started growing, it offered several Internet-based products and services 4 Introduction [2-2] Using Google Products / Session 4
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Is the latest generation of Web browser developed by Google Inc. Is popular mainly due to the simplicity of its interface and the speed of displaying Web pages Has Google search built into the Address bar Allows user to search directly from the Address bar of Google Chrome and need not go to to perform their search 5 Introducing Google Chrome [1-5] Using Google Products / Session 4
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. The table lists the features of Google Chrome 6 Introducing Google Chrome [2-5] Using Google Products / Session 4 CategoryFeatureDescription Interface Tabbed Browsing Google Chrome enables a user to visit multiple Web pages simultaneously by opening each page in its own tab. Built-in Translation Chrome automatically detects if a Website is not in user’s preferred language and offers to translate them. New Tab Page When users open a new tab, their favorite Websites are displayed on the new tab page for quick access. Users need not type the address of their favorite Websites every time they visit them.
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. The table lists the features of Google Chrome 7 Introducing Google Chrome [3-5] Using Google Products / Session 4 CategoryFeatureDescription InterfaceThemes Users can personalize the look of their Chrome browser by installing their favorite themes available in the Chrome Web Store. SecuritySandboxing Sandboxing is a term used to describe how Chrome makes Web browsing more secure. It treats each Web page opened in a new tab as a separate process. Each process is said to be executed in a Sandbox. Due to this, if one Web page gets stuck or freezes during processing, it can be closed separately without affecting Web pages in any other tabs. It also prevents a Web page from installing any malicious software on the user’s computer or stealing user’s personal data.
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. The table lists the features of Google Chrome 8 Introducing Google Chrome [4-5] Using Google Products / Session 4 CategoryFeatureDescription Security Safe Browsing Chrome prompts the user with a warning, if they visit a Website which is suspected of malicious content. Auto-updates Chrome regularly checks for security updates and installs them without any action required by the user. Privacy Incognito Mode When users browse the Web in Incognito Mode, the history of their visited Website is not recorded by Chrome. This is useful in a multi-user environment when users do not want other users to see their browsing history. Clearing Browsing Data Chrome provide options for deleting different types of user data recorded by the browser, including their browsing history, saved passwords, and saved form data.
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. The table lists the features of Google Chrome 9 Introducing Google Chrome [5-5] Using Google Products / Session 4 CategoryFeatureDescription Additional Functionality Apps Chrome allows user to install small applications (called as Apps) for providing extended functionality, such as games, news feeds, and stock quotes. Chrome provides a large collection of free apps on the Chrome Web Store. Extensions Extensions are used to add more features to the browser, such as currency conversion and session management. Chrome provides thousands of free extensions on the Chrome Web Store.
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To download and install Google Chrome, perform the following steps: Open Internet Explorer Type in the Address bar Press Enter Click Download Google Chrome to display the Chrome License Agreement page 10 Using Google Products / Session 4 Downloading and Installing Google Chrome [1-4] Google Chrome Download Page
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Clear the Set Google Chrome as my default browser check box Click Accept and Install to display the Application Run – Security Warning dialog box Click Run to display the Google Installer dialog box with a progress bar 11 Using Google Products / Session 4 Downloading and Installing Google Chrome [2-4] Chrome License Agreement
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Click Choose under the required search engine to display the Google Chrome First Run window 12 Using Google Products / Session 4 Downloading and Installing Google Chrome [3-4] Selecting a Search Engine
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. After Google Chrome is successfully installed, the first run window is displayed 13 Using Google Products / Session 4 Downloading and Installing Google Chrome [4-4] Google Chrome First Run Window
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. On clicking a link on the Web page, the linked page is displayed in the window over the page on which link was displayed There are situations where users might be required to view both the pages simultaneously Google Chrome provides the tabbed browsing feature that enables user to view multiple Web pages simultaneously Users open the linked Web page in a new tab Following are the two ways to open a Web page in a new tab: Open a new tab and access a Web page Open a linked page in a new tab 14 Using Google Products / Session 4 Opening a Page in a New Tab [1-4]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To open a new tab and access a Web page, perform the following steps: Click Start > All Programs > Google Chrome > Google Chrome Click icon on the title bar to access multiple Web pages simultaneously OR Press CTRL + T to display the new tabbed page Type the required address of the Website in the Address bar Press Enter 15 Using Google Products / Session 4 Opening a Page in a New Tab [2-4]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. An alternate method of opening a new tab is as follows : Click icon to display the Chrome Settings menu Select New tab 16 Using Google Products / Session 4 Opening a Page in a New Tab [3-4] Settings Menu
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To open a link in a new tab, perform the following steps: Open Google Chrome Type the address of a Website in the Address bar Press Enter Right-click the required hyperlink to open in a new tab to display the context menu Select Open link in new tab 17 Using Google Products / Session 4 Opening a Page in a New Tab Opening a Page in a New Tab [4-4]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Users can view a Web page in a new tab as well as in a new window When users have opened several tabs in the current window, they may want to open an important Web page in a new window to focus only on that page Following are the two ways to open a Web page: Open a new window and access a Web page Open a linked page in a new window Keyboard shortcut for opening a new window is CTRL + N 18 Using Google Products / Session 4 Opening a Page in a New Window [1-2]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To open a new window and access a Web page, perform the following steps: Click Start > All Programs > Google Chrome > Google Chrome Click icon on the right side above the vertical scrollbar to display the Chrome Settings menu Select New window from the Settings menu Type the required address of the Website in the Address bar Press Enter 19 Using Google Products / Session 4 Opening a Page in a New Window [2-2]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. It enables a user to control the security and privacy settings It groups the options under the following three categories: Basics Personal Stuff Under the Hood 20 Using Google Products / Session 4 Changing Google Chrome Options [1-7]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To change Google Chrome options, perform the following steps: Open Google Chrome Click icon on right side above the vertical scrollbar to display the Chrome Settings menu Select Options to display the Basics pane 21 Using Google Products / Session 4 Google Chrome Options - Basics Changing Google Chrome Options [2-7]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. On startup - users can control which pages to display when they open Google Chrome Home page - users can set the home page for the browser, which will be opened when they click the Home button Toolbar - users can select the required options to display the Home button and the Bookmarks bar Search - users can change the default search engine Default - users can set Google Chrome as the default Web browser Select the required options 22 Using Google Products / Session 4 Changing Google Chrome Options [3-7]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Click Personal Stuff in the left pane to display the Personal Stuff pane 23 Using Google Products / Session 4 Google Chrome Options – Personal Stuff Changing Google Chrome Options [4-7]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. In Passwords section, users can select if they want to be prompted by Chrome to save password when they sign in to their account on a Website In Autofill section, users can change the Autofill settings. Chrome saves the data frequently typed in forms on the Websites In Browsing data section, users can import browsing data and settings maintained by other browsers In Themes section, users can download and install a theme from the Chrome Web Store to personalize the appearance of Chrome. Users can also reset to the default theme Select the required options 24 Using Google Products / Session 4 Changing Google Chrome Options [5-7]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Click Under the Hood in the left pane to display the Under The Hood pane 25 Using Google Products / Session 4 Google Chrome Options – Under the Hood Changing Google Chrome Options [6-7]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Privacy - users can change how images, cookies, and pop-ups are handled under content settings and can also clear any browsing data saved by Chrome Translate - users can select if Chrome should prompt for an automatic translation, when it detects a Web page not in user’s preferred language Downloads - users can change the default download location and change auto-opening settings Select the required options Close the options tab after all the options have been configured 26 Using Google Products / Session 4 Changing Google Chrome Options [7-7]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Google has developed several Internet-based products and services These products are available over online, desktop, and mobile platforms Most popular Google products are as follows: 27 Using Google Products / Session 4 Introducing Google Products [1-2] ProductDescription BloggerA free online blogging platform, which lets user share their stories and ideas with the world. GmailA Web-based service provided by Google, which makes easy and intuitive to use. PicasaAn Internet-based desktop, which enables user to edit and share photos from their computers. Google+A social networking site which lets user group their friends, share thoughts, links, photos, and videos with friends.
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. The table lists the most popular Google products 28 Using Google Products / Session 4 Introducing Google Products [2-2] ProductDescription YouTubeAn online video-sharing Website, which lets user watch, upload, and share videos from all over the world. BooksAn online library which provides limited previews or full-text version of large number of books on varied topics in a format readable on the Web. MapsAn online map service which enables user to view maps to a great level of detail. It also provides direction to move between two places. NewsAn online news service that lets user search through thousands of news stories from all around the world.
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Google Books Is an online library Allows user to search from a collection of millions of books Provides a limited preview of several books and also provides full text of some of the books Allows registered Google users to save their favorite books in their personal library through the My Library feature on Google Books Provides direct links to buy these books from online bookstores like Amazon and Barnes & Noble Recently, Google introduced magazine search on Google Books 29 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Books [1-7]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To search for books in Google, perform the following steps: Open Google Chrome Type m in the Address bar to display the Google Books homepage Press Enter Type the name of the topic or exact name of the book in the Researching a topic? box 30 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Books [2-7] Google Books Homepage
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Click Search Books to return books matching the search criteria Click the required title of the book from the search results 31 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Books [3-7] Search Results on Google Books
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Preview of a book in Google books is displayed in the right pane 32 Searching Books [4-7] Using Google Products / Session 4 Preview of a Book
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Elements in the preview of a book are as follows: 33 Searching Books [5-7] Using Google Products / Session 4 ElementDescription 1Zoom in and Zoom out. 2Fullscreen View. 3Index. 4Navigation Controls. 5Link and Feedback. 6Links to buy the book on online bookstores.
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Click Contents to navigate directly to a particular section or topic in the book 34 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Books [6-7] Table of Contents of a Book Click Link to share the book via a direct hyperlink
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Copy and paste the link from Paste link in or IM field to share the link 35 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Books [7-7] Direct Hyperlink of a Book
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Google Maps is an online service that: Allows user to view detailed maps from their Web browser Provides driving directions between two places Allows user to search for information about local businesses on Google Maps and rate them for review Enables registered Google users to create their customized personal maps 36 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Maps [1-5]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To search a location on Google Maps, perform the following steps: Open Google Chrome Type in the Address bar Press Enter to display the Google Maps homepage Type the name of place or business location to search in the search box Press Enter 37 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Maps [2-5] Google Maps Homepage
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Click the + icon on the navigation bar on the map pane to zoom in to get a closer view of the area Click the – icon on the navigation bar on the map pane to zoom out Use the navigation controls on navigation bar to view the map of near by areas Click the required labeled markers to view more information about the location 38 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Maps [3-5] Displaying Map of an Area
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To search for directions between two places using Google maps, perform the following steps: Click Get Directions in the left pane of the Google Maps page to display the two fields A and B Type the start location in A box Type the end location in B box Click Get Directions Click a different route in the left pane to display directions for that route 39 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Maps [4-5] Directions on Google Maps
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Move the mouse over a different route in the left pane to compare two routes (visually) Click the icon next to the A and B boxes to get reverse directions Click Add Destination in the right pane to add another location Type the third location in C box Click Get Directions to get directions from A to C via B 40 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching Maps [5-5] Directions Between Three Locations
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Google News is a news aggregator which collects and presents articles from different news Websites It provides localized editions for more than 40 countries and in 19 different languages 41 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching News [1-3]
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. To search news on Google News, perform the following steps: Open Google Chrome Type in the Address bar Press Enter Click icon to display related articles about a particular story Click icon to hide related articles about a particular story 42 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching News [2-3] Google Maps Homepage
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Click a particular topic or category in the left pane Click All News to display text headlines (without any images) Click Headlines to display the news stories in text format Click the U.S. edition to display the news for a different country Select the required country 43 Using Google Products / Session 4 Searching News [3-3] Headlines View in Google News
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Google Chrome is the latest generation Web browser developed by Google and is popular for its simplicity, speed, and security. Sandboxing is a feature of Google Chrome in which every Web page opened in a new tab is treated as a separate process. Sandboxing prevents Websites from installing any malicious software and also prevents them from stealing any user data. Users can personalize the look of their Google Chrome browser with the help of themes. Users can add more functionality and features to their Google Chrome browser through apps and extensions. 44 Summary [1-2] Using Google Products / Session 4
Version 1.0 © 2011 Aptech Limited. Google Books is an online library which provides limited previews or full-text versions of large number of books on varied topics in a format readable on the Web. Google Maps is an online map service that allows a user to view detailed maps from their Web browser and also provides driving directions between two places. Google News is a news aggregator which collects and presents articles from different news Websites. 45 Summary [2-2] Using Google Products / Session 4