Paid Lunch Equity Department of Education Division of Program Support Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services Cheri White, Administrator Kathryn GM Hodges, Program Specialist IV
Guidance Memos supporting Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act June 13, 2011SP Q&As regarding Paid Reimbursable Lunch Revenues (7CFR (e)) and non-reimbursable food sales (7CFR (f)) March 19, 2012SP Instructions for School Year January 2, 2013SP Instructions for School Year clarification February 21, 2013SP Instructions for School year
What do I do? Where do I start?
Each year’s calculation is based on the previous October’s claim figures. You will need: -the number of PAID lunches -the amount charged for PAID lunches
First, pull the October, 2010, information and enter it, by school and meal price, on the following tab.
Be sure to keep track of which meal count represent which schools. (The form does not allow you to type in the name of the school.)
You’ll need to keep track of the various schools
Carry this $2.08 over to the Unrounded Requirement Finder tab in the PLE Tool. The system will calculate that the $2.08 weighted average price needed to go up to $2.24 for School Year
If you slide to the top of this same tab, you’ll see that the price charged for School Year should be at the weighted average price of $2.35.
Other tabs: SY Non Federal Calculator -This calculates the amount non- federal, per meal, contribution SY Split Calculator -This calculates the per meal increase as well as an increase of non-federal sources
SY Price Calculator - This identifies how close the weighted average price is to what is required SY Report - This identifies what is credited or what is owed to the calculations for SY
Each year’s PLE Tool should be saved for 3+ the current year. Each year, the SAU/District will report to the State Agency: - The price of the most sold meals -The amount of the required increase -The amount of the actual increase
Please note that the use of the PLE Tool is required.
Also, please note, that any required increase MUST be made, either by an increase of the meal price to the student or by a commitment to use non-federal dollars to make up the difference.
USDA does not require that a price to a student be increased more than 10 cents in any given year. If a school district does increase more than 10 cents, that is their decision.
Doing Nothing is NOT an option.
At the end of the year, if the decision had been made that the increase would be covered by non-federal, per meal, contribution, the State Agency should be able to see the appropriate transfer from the non-federal funding source.
Contact Information If you should have any questions, please contact: Cheri White at (603) or Kathryn GM Hodges at (603)