Standing Joint Force Headquarters – Pacific Mr. Cardinal SJFHQ Chief of Staff
2 As of 19 July 05 DPG: To strengthen joint operations, the Geographic Combatant Commanders will establish SJFHQs by FY 2005 reflecting standards established by Joint Forces Command. Each SJFHQ will have a standardized joint C4ISR architecture. CJCS: Implementation Guidance 05 Mar 03 - SJFHQ must strike a balance between standards/commonality and RCC uniqueness …. The SJFHQ will be composed of a full-time, coherent team that is mission-tailored and led by a senior officer who reports directly to the combatant commander. Sec Def: Memo 16 Dec Integration of the SJFHQ into U.S. Regional combatant command structure is an important step in increasing the ability to respond to … the global security environment. Directed to reprogram 58 of the remaining 15 % HQ’s reduction to establish a SJFHQ, reflecting standards established by USJFCOM. The Genesis
3 As of 19 July 05 The Bridge: SJFHQ - Full-time coherently joint team - Situational understanding of the focus area using Operational Net Assessment - Links to external Organizations - Effects Based focus and capability - Continuity – pre-crisis thru termination Operational planning begins pre-crisis Draws from an in place SA & SU Standing Team with joint experience Uses reach-back and collaboration to minimize footprint forward Organized for Virtual and physical collaboration Can utilize a cross-functional organization to maximize knowledge and information technology Operational planning begins pre-crisis Draws from an in place SA & SU Standing Team with joint experience Uses reach-back and collaboration to minimize footprint forward Organized for Virtual and physical collaboration Can utilize a cross-functional organization to maximize knowledge and information technology Forming a JTF HQ Tomorrow Operational planning begins during crisis Extensive time to build situational awareness Search for Joint experience Extensive augmentation required to become a JTF (ad hoc issues) Physical Collaborative Networks (VTC) Operational planning begins during crisis Extensive time to build situational awareness Search for Joint experience Extensive augmentation required to become a JTF (ad hoc issues) Physical Collaborative Networks (VTC) Forming a JTF HQ Today
4 As of 19 July 05 EXORD Joint Manning Document Development EXECUTEBACKFILLALERTORD WARNORD Situation Development Crisis Assessment Course of Action Development Readiness Legacy Service Component JTF Knowledge Result of continuous pre-crisis collaboration Joint Pub Why SJFHQ? Improve response time, activation/forming JTF, planning, results Performance lag in JTF Stand-up SJFHQ PLAN Time Effectiveness Legacy Service Component JTF w/SJFHQ
5 As of 19 July 05 An Ability to Reduce the Ad Hoc Nature of JTF Operations Habitual relationships with IAC Organizations and Agencies An Effects Based Approach to Problem Solving An in-place, operational CIE with procedures and partners Think Differently Networked Knowledge A coherently Joint Perspective Think Differently Networked Knowledge A coherently Joint Perspective Understanding of Cdr’s perspective Increased RCC C2 Readiness What the SJFHQ Brings to Crisis Resolution Systems approach to the operational environment Systems approach to the operational environment A Standing, Joint Team with Individual & Collective Skills Developing Crisis
6 As of 19 July 05 With : Inherent understanding of USPACOM /strategic-level policy & perspective Knowledge / understanding of area of operations, key issues, “players” In-place continuity for seamless planning/execution – pre-crisis thru termination and redeploymnent In-place systems architecture with reachback and collaborative tools Commander Information Superiority Operations Plans Operations Commander Information Superiority Plans Info/Knowledge Management Info/KnowledgeManagement An in-place, deployable, coherently joint team, experienced in: Joint operations & doctrine Effects Based Operations (EBO)EBO Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning Functional SOPs Theater knowledge Service Doctrine & Techniques, Tactics, Procedures Ability to exploit collaborative tools/processes Employed as : Core element around which CDRUSPACOM can build a JTF HQs A “starter kit” for a service component designated JTF HQs Team of Teams that can be embedded in USPACOM Staff during Crisis Ops SJFHQ – What it brings to the “Fight”
7 As of 19 July 05 SJFHQ Pacific Mission Provide CDRUSPACOM a deployable, trained and equipped Standing Joint Task Force Headquarters (SJFHQ) element, trained in Effects-Based Operations (EBO), capable of supporting Joint/Coalition Task Force (J/CTF) activation, and/or augmentation of J/CTF Command and Control (C2). SJFHQ is specifically organized to enhance CDRUSPACOM's ability to deter or quickly respond to regional crises. Should deterrence fail, SJFHQ provides an effective means to rapidly augment a J/CTF with a capability to conduct EBO-based planning, execution, and assessment. “Starter Kit” Core element of trained/ready joint planners to activate/augment a JTF
8 As of 19 July 05 Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) under USPACOM Report directly to Deputy Commander USPACOM Center of Excellence for Joint/combined, deliberate and contingency planning Effects-based planning, operations, assessment Core element to activate/augment most USPACOM J/CTFs Core Planning Staff for CDRUSPACOM focus area. Develop capability to support USPACOM contingencies in priority: War On Terror Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Relief Non-combatant Evacuation Operations Develop multi- component capability Conduct JTF Training Achieve Full Operational Capability 31 Mar 06 USPACOM DRU, Future = support other USPACOM CONOPs Commander’s Intent
9 As of 19 July 05 SJFHQ Employment Options SJFHQ SJFHQ Staff III II I SJFHQ Staff SSC MTW SSC MOOTW Functional Components JTFHQ Functional Components JTFHQ Staff Sub-JTFs or Functional Components JTFHQ One team is “Starter Set” for JTF HQs All SJFHQ work for JTF HQs SJFHQ Integrated into USPACOM into USPACOM
10 As of 19 July 05 JTF Commander Deputy Commander J1 National Intel Support Team Special Staff Surgeon Public Affairs Comptroller Chaplain Staff JAG IG Joint Captured Material Exploitation Ctr Joint Personnel Reception Ctr Joint Interrogation & Debriefing Ctr Joint Document Exploitation Ctr J2 Joint Comm Ctrl Ctr Joint Operations Center Joint Fires Element Intel Collection Synch Bd Joint Search and Rescue Center Information Operations Cell Joint Planning Group Joint Targeting Coordination Board CJTF Staff Chief Of Staff J3 J4J5 J6 Rules of Engagement Cell Civil/MIL OPS Center Joint Deploy Board Joint Movement Center Logistics Readiness Center Joint Material Mgmt Office Joint Munitions Board Joint Intel Support Element SJFHQ
11 As of 19 July 05 SJFHQ Structure Green Group supports USPACOM focus area Blue Group supports other CONOPs (III MEF, 7 th FLT, I Corps): “Starter kit” concept Pair special skill sets from Info Superiority, Knowledge Mgmt with Green, Blue Groups Add SMEs, US Multi-National Planning and Assistance Team (USMPAT) reps as req’d JTF RC Augmentee Element = x RC team members on JRU for 2-3 year tour Build symbiotic relationship (training, support) with USPACOM J3, J5, USMPAT: Green Group with USPACOM J54 for support to JPG deliberate, planning Blue Group with USPACOM J35 for support to contingency operations OPTs, FOPs ‘Starter kit’ for CONOPs JTFs Support USPACOM OPTs, assessments Teach joint, EBO doctrine
12 As of 19 July 05 Summary Maintain Day-to-Day USPACOM AOR situation awareness Support deliberate and crisis response effects-based planning: Pre-crisis through Transition and redeployment Conduct internal/USPACOM staff training Support USPACOM training and exercises, support JTF Training “Starter Kit” - Enable a J/CTF to be up and running - FAST Enable a single service HQ staff to quickly become “Joint” Improve speed, quality of initial JTF planning EBO is gaining momentum - not standard operating procedure yet – lots to learn Work toward SJFHQ-P certification during YAMA SAKURA 49 Responsive, Tailorable, Deployable Plans/Ops Expertise Jump-Start JTF for any Contingency