Doral Academy of Nevada is dedicated to providing an enhanced educational experience. We will develop outstanding student achievement with focus on each child being well-rounded in all parts of their education. Students will be prepared in an academically challenging and personally meaningful learning environment with an emphasis on arts integration. A collaborative effort including all students, teachers, parents, and staff will be devoted to establishing, achieving, and celebrating individual goals for each child at Doral Academy.
The educational outcome from Doral Academy of Nevada will create students who think critically and analytically, are confident decision makers, utilize problem solving skills, work collaboratively, and are imaginative and creative thinkers. We are committed to equipping students with the skills and personal growth necessary to be successful scholars throughout life. Doral Guiding Principles ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE INTELLECTUAL COMMUNITY APPRECIATION OF THE ARTS COLLABORATION ENGAGEMENT CREATIVE EXPRESSION INSPIRATION
Parent Involvement
Art as Curriculum Art Enhanced Curriculum Arts-Integrated Curriculum What is Arts Integration?
“Defining Arts Integration” by Lynne B. Silverstein and Sean Layne © 2010, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Kennedy Center Definition
Grades 6 – 8 30 students per class with one teacher and part time Inst. Asst. Core Classes Math Reading 6, 7 English Science Social Studies 7-8 PE 6,8/Health 8/Technology 6 Specials/Electives Spanish Orchestra/Guitar/Band/Choir Visual Arts Computer/Technology Theatre Dance and Movement Media Productions Intervention Grades 6 – 8 30 students per class with one teacher and part time Inst. Asst. Core Classes Math Reading 6, 7 English Science Social Studies 7-8 PE 6,8/Health 8/Technology 6 Specials/Electives Spanish Orchestra/Guitar/Band/Choir Visual Arts Computer/Technology Theatre Dance and Movement Media Productions Intervention Upper School Grade 9 32 students per class Core Classes Math English Science PE STEAM/Humanities Survey Foreign Language Specials/Electives Orchestra/Guitar/Band/Choir Visual Arts Computer/Technology Theatre Dance and Movement Media Productions Grade 9 32 students per class Core Classes Math English Science PE STEAM/Humanities Survey Foreign Language Specials/Electives Orchestra/Guitar/Band/Choir Visual Arts Computer/Technology Theatre Dance and Movement Media Productions High School
Grades 6-8 Reading/English: SpringBoard Math: SpringBoard Science: TBD 7 th grade History: History of Our Nation 8 th grade Geography: Discovering World Geography Grade 9 The instructional materials for 9 th will be determined by the leadership team, made up of teachers and administration.
2016—2017 School Hours (tentative) 7:00 A.M.— 2:00 P.M. High School 9th 7:55 A.M.— 2:53 P.M. Upper School 6-8 th 8:30 A.M.— 3:19 P.M. Kindergarten--5th
Silent Dismissal System
Uniforms Schedule/Hours Follow the school calendar of the Clark County School District with 180 days of instruction with 6 Professional Development Days and 5 Half Days. First Day: AUGUST 29, 2016 Students are required to be in uniform. Logoed items must be purchased from one of the uniform vendors, Campus Club or Classic Kids. Tops: Logo Polos Colors: Purple, Navy, Teal, and Red with Doral Crest High School students only can wear black polos and pants Bottoms: Khaki or Navy Blue (non logo) Spirit Day: FRIDAYS only
Will there be before/after school care for my child?
What time can I drop off my child at school?
What types of technology can we expect?
What types of sports, clubs and activities will be offered?
How can I fulfill my 30 hours of parent service?
My child has an IEP. Will there be a special education teacher at Doral?
Any additional general questions from parents?