Second Semester Warm-ups SPORTS MEDICINE
January 6th What do you think Sports Medicine is?
January 7 th Anterior Posterior Dorsal Ventral Superior Inferior Caudal Cranial Medial Lateral Deep Superficial Proximal Distal
January 8th 16-year old Johnny was at basketball practice when he slipped in a puddle of water during horseplay with a teammate and hit his head, losing consciousness. He had to be hospitalized for 24 hours. At the time of injury, the coach was answering a phone call in the PE office, and not directly supervising practice. Was the coach negligent in supervising the practice? How could the ATC have prevented the problem? What should the coach & ATC do to prevent such problems in the future?
January 11th Anatomic Position Coronal Plane Transverse Plane Sagittal Plane Midsagittal Parasagittal Visceral Parietal Recumbent Decubitus Dorsal Recumbent Lateral Recumbent Supine Prone
January 12 th Pick and explain one of the fitness evaluation tests
January 13 th Explain Overload principle, variation principle and the specificity principle
January 15 th What is the difference between structural and foundational elements of a fitness program?
January 19 th Explain subjective and objective data and what the difference is?
January 20 th What are the important components of an Emergency Plan?
January 21 st Create an Emergency Plan for the following situation: A soccer goalie hits his head on the goalpost while diving for a ball in a game and loses consciousness.
January 22 nd Study for test
January 25 th Study for the test
January 26 th Define these words Metabolism Protein Fiber Carbohydrate Essential Amino Acids Vitamins Calorie Fat Minerals Water Basal Metabolic Rate Ergogenic Aid Bulimia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa
January 27 th Explain what “modified carbo consumption” is?
January 28 th Explain how athletes are affected by fat and protein.
January 29 th Explain how athletes are affected by vitamins and minerals.
February 1 st Discuss in detail how water affects athletes.
February 2 nd Discussion the body’s make up starting with the cell and going through organ, system etc. You can use one system to do it if you want.
February 3 rd Pick one type of taping shown in the book and explain how to do it in your own words.
February 4 th Pick one injury and describe the process for returning the athlete to play in your own words.
February 5 th Discuss the 5 methods that the body can be heated and cooled in your own words.
February 8 th Why do you have to worry about not just heat but the humidity in the summer?
February 9 th Pick one of the medical conditions and discuss how it affects athletic training.
February 10 th What 4 things need to be address in an environment to make sure it is in the best condition for athletes to heal?
February 11 th What is used to measure joint motion measurement?
February 12 th Study for test
February 22 nd List the 22 bones of the head and face. Chapter 15
February 23 rd Discuss the difference sections of the brain by location and function. Chapter 15
February 24 th Discuss Concussions: symptoms, classifications, treatments and return to play guidelines Chapter 15
February 25 th Pick one of either the ear or eye injuries and explain the injury. Include the symptoms, treatment and prevention. Chapter 15
February 26 th Pick one of either the nose or mouth injuries and explain the injury. Include the symptoms, treatment and prevention. Chapter 15
February 29 th Pick one of spinal injuries and explain the injury. Include the symptoms, treatment and prevention. Chapter 15
March 2 nd Discuss the heart in detail. Include the different layers, chambers and electrical components. Chapter 17
March 3 rd Discuss the different types of blood cells and explain the order the different vessels work in the body. Chapter 17
March 4 th Explain how blood flows through the body. Chapter 17