ARTS, MEDIA & DESIGN Four Different Areas of Concentration: Visual Arts Film and Media Graphic Design / Product Development Photography Arts, Media, and Entertainment Industry Sector
AUTOMOBILE TECHNOLOGY Courses in Pathway may include: Auto 1 Auto 2 ROP Automotive Steering & Suspension ROP Automotive Maintenance & Operations Transportation Industry Sector
BUSINESS Courses in Pathway may include: Intro to Business Computer Applications Web Page Development ROP Business Essentials Finance and Business Industry Sector
EDUCATION & FAMILY SERVICES Courses in Pathway may include: AP Psychology Psychology/Sociology ROP Child, Infant, or School-Aged Child Care Education, Child Development, & Family Services Industry Sector
FASHION & INTERIOR DESIGN Courses in Pathway may include: Art Interior Design Intro to Business Graphic Arts ROP Fashion Merchandising or Interior Design Fashion and Interior Design Industry Sector
HEALTH SERVICES Courses in Pathway may include: Biology Human Anatomy Chemistry Health Science & Medical Technology Industry Sector
HOSPITALITY & CULINARY ARTS Courses in Pathway may include: Art Culinary Basics 1 and 2 Intro to Business Interior Design ROP Event Planning Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industry Sector
THE PROCESS Step 1: Students attends 9 th and 10 th Grade Assemblies
THE PROCESS Step 2: Students plan a 4-year Forecast in 9 th Grade Students complete interest/skills inventory assessment in 10 th Grade
THE PROCESS Step 3: Students meet individually with counselors in the spring and choose a pathway.
THE PROCESS Step 4: Students complete requirements within pathway with guidance from advisor and counselor and receive special recognition.
CAREER COACH Carmen Viveros Tuesdays/Wednesdays 8:30 – 2:00