WEB-MOB portal Single point of access to Western Balkans incoming mobility information.


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Presentation transcript:

WEB-MOB portal Single point of access to Western Balkans incoming mobility information

Providing excellence from January 2006 in: Project collaboration Visibility of deliverables Surveying of WeB RD community Enabling joint effort in identification of obstacles and means for removing them “Wikified” content Interaction tools WEB-MOB Portal

More than 800 pages of content Mobility guides National guides Links & resources Presentations References Usefull links News & announcements Legislation review EU National (WeB) WeB Incoming mobility National reviews PORTAL HOME R&D organizations Inc mobility questionnaire Researchers registration About project NEGs Participants 600 institutions from WeB

Regional coverage – national focus Country vortals Recognizable identity From project supporting website towards national mobility portals

Database of R&D Organizations from Western Balkans

Mobility Guides 616 answers to researchers’ from abroad questions Separated in 8 groups Answered in 6 countries Open for your contribution

Questionnaire to foreign researchers, research & development personnel and doctorate students in countries of Western Balkans Questionnaire on incomming mobility to universities, research institutions and academic organisations Questionnaire to foreign researchers, research & development personnel and doctorate students in countries of Western Balkans Questionnaire on incomming mobility to universities, research institutions and academic organisations Incoming mobility

Mr Sanopoulos Thank you
