Update 2 on Noise Clusters Hardeep Bansil University of Birmingham 23/04/2013
Noise Clusters 2 Difference from Soft Diffractive analysis in way treatment of clusters for gap algorithm Previously checked that clusters not affected by noise but currently no way to check this with D3PDs (until new moment added in) In mean time look at RNDM stream with EMPTY triggers to see if clusters pass significance cuts in empty events – look at 2010 Period B specifically for runs in GRL – as some Period A already studied GRL, pass LAr cut, pass EMPTY trigger – look at hadronically and electromagnetically calibrated clusters Modified code so only cells with positive significances contribute to cluster maps Eta-phi maps use 128 bins in phi, 196 bins in eta
Noise Clusters (HAD) 3 Run – events, passing all cuts, 1077 clusters above cuts Far more activity on C side of detector across all runs Strip of activity on C side not observed on A side Block of activity localised on A side
Noise Clusters (HAD) 4 Run – events, passing all cuts clusters above cuts Observe blocks of cluster activity in this run along with general features
Noise Clusters (HAD) 5 Run events, passing all cuts, 419 clusters above cuts
Noise Clusters (HAD) 6 Run – events, 8390 passing all cuts - 71 clusters above cuts
Noise Clusters (HAD) 7 Run – events, passing all cuts clusters above cuts
Noise Clusters (EM) 8 Run – events, passing all cuts, 602 clusters above cuts Fewer clusters passing the cuts compared to HAD calibration but similar patterns as expected 10 most triggered items for run : L1_RD1_FILLED 2: L1_RD0_FIRSTEMPTY 3: L1_RD0_EMPTY 4: L1_RD0_FILLED 5: L1_ZB_4MBTS_A 6: L1_RD0_UNPAIRED 7: L1_MBTS_2 8: L1_MBTS_1 9: L1_ZDC 10: L1_EM2
Noise Clusters (EM) 9 Run – events, passing all cuts clusters above cuts 10 most triggered items for run : L1_RD0_UNPAIRED 2: L1_RD0_EMPTY 3: L1_RD0_FILLED 4: L1_RD0_FIRSTEMPTY 5: L1_MBTS_2 6: L1_MBTS_2_UNPAIRED 7: L1_MBTS_1_1_UNPAIRED 8: L1_MBTS_4_4_UNPAIRED 9: L1_MBTS_2_UNPAIRED2 10: L1_MBTS_2_UNPAIRED1
Noise Clusters (EM) 10 Run events, passing all cuts, 219 clusters above cuts 10 most triggered items for run : L1_RD0_UNPAIRED 2: L1_RD0_EMPTY 3: L1_RD0_FILLED 4: L1_RD0_FIRSTEMPTY 5: L1_MBTS_2 6: L1_MBTS_2_UNPAIRED 7: L1_MBTS_1_1_UNPAIRED 8: L1_EM2 9: L1_MBTS_2_UNPAIRED2 10: L1_MBTS_1
Noise Clusters (EM) 11 Run – events, 8390 passing all cuts - 35 clusters above cuts 10 most triggered items for run : L1_RD0_UNPAIRED 2: L1_RD0_EMPTY 3: L1_RD0_FILLED 4: L1_RD0_FIRSTEMPTY 5: L1_MBTS_2 6: L1_MBTS_2_UNPAIRED 7: L1_MBTS_1 8: L1_MBTS_1_1_UNPAIRED 9: L1_EM2 10: L1_MBTS_4_4_UNPAIRED
Noise Clusters (EM) 12 Run – events, passing all cuts clusters above cuts 10 most triggered items for run : L1_RD0_UNPAIRED 2: L1_RD0_EMPTY 3: L1_RD0_FILLED 4: L1_RD0_FIRSTEMPTY 5: L1_MBTS_2 6: L1_MBTS_2_UNPAIRED 7: L1_EM2 8: L1_MBTS_1 9: L1_MBTS_1_1_UNPAIRED 10: L1_MBTS_2_UNPAIRED2