1 Report on PHENIX work in Apr/May/Jun Kotaro Kijima 大西洋~
2 Time table on RUN10 39, 7.7GeV MTM timing turning → /04/30~ run315910~ MTM timing turning 116 ・・ /04/09 run313591~ TIME 39GeV start (physics) 4/9 12:08pm run313591~ 39GeV end 4/22 ~run GeV start (Time in) 4/25 run315446~ MTM timing turning 132 /04/25, 5:54~ run315446~ 39GeV bad beam… 4/28 – 4/29 run ~ GeV 39GeV : 250M MB events 7.7GeV : 1.5M MB events 7.7GeV start (physics) 4/29 run315856~ 7.7GeV end 5/27 ~run 今回の滞在
3 RUN10 summary Run-10 Recorded our largest full energy Au+Au data set: 8.2 G events, 1.3 nb-1 Exceeded our goal in energy scan by ~2-3X for 62.4, 39 and 7.7 GeV Working HBD for the whole run Recorded 1 PByte of data for the first time
4 Run Dependence PmtGain Run dependence of PmtGain are shown. –Typical behavior is shown (ex.ch0) note: the points on 7.7 GeV are merged ~40runs due to low statistics –some ch (ex.ch5) drop off at first of 62GeV run –But DB constants are correctly updated. 200GeV physics 62GeV 39GeV 7.7GeV ch0 ch5 ~ 5months (init. – mean) / init. x 100 [%] MIP peak ADC corr
5 Run Dependence Overflow1 Run dependence of Overflow1 are shown. –Typical behavior is shown for run dependence of all channels – u.ac.jp/phx/bnl/calibration/r undep/RUN10/run10.htmlhttp:// u.ac.jp/phx/bnl/calibration/r undep/RUN10/run10.html ch0 ch64 (inti. – mean) / sigma [ ]
6 outputs last period of outputs of all channels in last period of RUN10 seems fine. we don’t need to replace PMTs toward RUN11 TDC0TDC1 ADC Adc corr [ch] MIP peak ArmHit – Tdc0 [ns] Adc corr [ch]
7 dN ch /d vs | | #charged particle injected into BBC peripheral mid-central most central ana831 BBC in 7.7GeV run qualitatively consistent with description of UrQMD note: I didn’t consider that the rapidity is related in zvertex position. The distribution of left plot must smeared due to this. #events ~ 23K |zvertex|<10cm z low s : due to relatively larger Fermi motion comparing with beam energy, we expected spectator proton can inject into inner ring of BBC.
9 Time table of RUN10 New HV applied 2009/12/31, 06:45~ #RUN299319~ LUT update 2010/01/01,20:36~ #RUN299480~ DB update 2010/01/01 Valid:2009/12/31, 06:45~ MTM timing turning 116 /01/02, 20:07~ #RUN299603~ MTM timing turning 132 /12/28, 09:59~ RUN298902~ BBLL1 fixed 2009/12/31 #RUN299317~ First Collision 2009/12/27
10 Time table of RUN10 200, 63GeV 2010/01/ /09 FEM board problem South ch GeV physics start 1/10 01:36~ run300476~ 200GeV end 3/18 04:05 ~run GeV 62GeV end 4/8 ~run GeV start (physics) 3/19 run310698~ 62GeV 200GeV : 8.2B MB events (1.3nb -1 ) 62GeV : 700M MB events
11 high BG rate run#315774~ (Apr.28-29) –too low fraction of events triggered by BBLL1 with vertex cut in case # –BBLL1(1>)| no vertex ~60Hz –BBLL1(1>) ~0.2Hz –huge BG from up-stream of south side 2010/04/29
12 Good beam - low BG events - good beam from # –04/29, 18:15:08 –BBLL1(1>) | no vertex ~5Hz –BBLL1(1>) ~0.7Hz #315910~ –04/30, 12:09:23 –change timing v124: [ch7] 68 –BBLL1(1>) 1.5Hz (average 0.7Hz) 2010/04/30
13 BBC Divided three sectors with different pseudo-rapidiy bins –inner ring ~ 3.49 ~ 0.57 –middle ring ~ 3.23 ~ 0.43 –outer ring ~ 3.06 ~ inner ring --- middle ring --- outer ring BeamBeamCounter *I roughly calculated and for each ring of BBC...
14 ChargeSum divided by 3 pseudo-rapidiy and 3 centrality bins --- inner --- mid --- outer 0<npc1<1010<npc1<40 40<npc1<150MinBias N ch/BBC is obtained as mean of ChargeSum distribution for each bins
15 Low energy scan
16 GTM LL1 Trigger System 1clock 前のデータ 2clock 前のデータ 3clock 前のデータ (40-14)clock 前の データ 40clock 前のデータ 41clock 前のデータ : : : : Latency : 40beam clock (4.24 s) Level 1 delay : 14 beam clock Level1 sync clock 106ns LL1 GL1 GTM LL1 write to AMU MTM RHIC Beam clock FEM DCM