Lecture Contents Networks and Communication Department Graph in MatLab 2-D plotting Creating and Type of graph Using Basic Plotting Functions Plotting Multiple graph in same plot Formatting plots Save,Print,Close and Export figure 2
Creating and Type of graph Using Basic Plotting Functions Plotting Multiple graph in same plot Formatting plots Save,Print,Close and Export figure 2-D plotting 3 Networks and Communication Department
Creating Graph in MATLAB Networks and Communication Department 4 CommandDescription Plot, plot3Create 2-D graph and 3-D plotyy2-D line plots with y-axes on both left and right side loglogLog-log scale plot fplotPlot function between specified limits Line Plot Pie Charts, Bar Plots, and Histograms CommandDescription bar, bar3Bar graph 2-D, 3-D Pie, pie3Pie graph 2-D, 3-D histHistogram plot Discrete Graph CommandDescription Stem, stem3Plot discrete sequence data 2-D, 3-D stairsStairstep graph
Type of graph 5 Networks and Communication Department
POLTTING IN MATLAB Networks and Communication Department 6 Line plot FUNCTIONs: Plot example:
POLTTING IN MATLAB Networks and Communication Department 7 Plot wit line specification example:
POLTTING IN MATLAB Networks and Communication Department 8 Plotyy ex:
POLTTING IN MATLAB Networks and Communication Department 9 Plot3 3D ex:
Pie Charts, Bar Plots, and Histograms Networks and Communication Department 10 Bar & br3 ex:
Pie Charts, Bar Plots, and Histograms Networks and Communication Department 11 Pie & hist ex:
Discrete Graph Networks and Communication Department 12 Stem and stairs ex:
Plotting Functions 13 Networks and Communication Department
2-D Plotting Specify x-data and/or y-data Specify color, line style and marker symbol (Default values used if ‘clm not specified) Syntax: Plotting single line: Plotting multiple lines: plot(x1, y1, 'clm1', x2, y2, 'clm2',...) plot(xdata, ydata, 'color_linestyle_marker')
Line Specification Networks and Communication Department 15 Three components can be specified in the string specifiers along with the plotting command. They are: Line style Marker symbol Color Line style Specifiers Meaning '-'Solid line (default) '--'Dashed line ':'Dotted line '-.'Dash-dot line MeaningColor Specifiers Blueb Cyanc Greeng Blackk Magentam Redr Yellowy MeaningMarkerMeanin g Marker downvcircleo triangle left<diamondd triangle right >hexagra m h up triangle^pentagr am p x -markxplus+ point. squares star*
2-D Plotting - example Create a Blue Sine Wave » x = 0:.1:2*pi; » y = sin(x); » plot(x,y) » x = 0:.1:2*pi; » y = sin(x); » plot(x,y)
Basic Task: Plot the function sin(x) between 0 ≤ x ≤4π Create an x-array of 100 samples between 0 and 4 π. Calculate sin(.) of the x-array Plot the y-array >>x=linspace(0,4*pi,100); >>y=sin(x); >>plot(y)
Adding a Grid GRID ON creates a grid on the current figure GRID OFF turns off the grid from the current figure GRID toggles the grid state »grid on
Controlling the Axes Setting Axis Limits & Grids The axis command lets you to specify your own limits: axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) You can use the axis command to make the axes visible or invisible: axis on / axis off The grid command toggles grid lines on and off: grid on / grid off
Using Basic Plotting Functions Networks and Communication Department 20 Graphing functionsMATLAB command Label the horizontal axis.xlabel('text') Label the vertical axis.ylabel('text') Attach a title to the plot.title('text') Change the limits on the x and y axis.axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) "Keep plotting in the same window."hold on Turn off the "keep-plotting-in-the-same- window-command". hold off using the strings to label various curves legend(‘string1’,’string2’,’s tring3’) Places the string (text) on the plot at coordinate x,y relative to the plot axes. text(x,y,’string’) The following commands are useful when plotting: Note that all text must be put within ' '.
Multiple graph 21 Networks and Communication Department
Adding additional plots to a figure PLOTTING MULTIPLE GRAPHS IN THE SAME PLOT Plotting two (or more) graphs in one plot: 1.Using the plot command. 2. Using the hold on, hold off commands.
Adding additional plots to a figure HOLD ON holds the current plot HOLD OFF releases hold on current plot HOLD toggles the hold state » x = 0:.1:2*pi; » y = sin(x); » plot(x,y,'b') » grid on » hold on » plot(x,exp(-x),'r:*') » x = 0:.1:2*pi; » y = sin(x); » plot(x,y,'b') » grid on » hold on » plot(x,exp(-x),'r:*')
Subplots Networks and Communication Department 24
Example Example 1: Plot sin(x) and cos(x) over [0,2 π ], on the same plot with different colours Method 1: >> x = linspace(0,2*pi,1000); >> y = sin(x); >> z = cos(x); >> hold on; >> plot(x,y,‘b’); >> plot(x,z,‘g’); >> xlabel ‘X values’; >> ylabel ‘Y values’; >> title ‘Sample Plot’; >> legend (‘Y data’,‘Z data’); >> hold off; 25 Networks and Communication Department
Formatting 26 Networks and Communication Department
Formatting plots A plot can be formatted to have a required appearance. With formatting you can: Add title to the plot. Add labels to axes. Change range of the axes. Add legend. Add text blocks. Add grid.
Formatting plots There are two methods to format a plot: 1. Formatting commands. In this method commands, that make changes or additions to the plot, are entered after the plot() command. This can be done in the Command Window, or as part of a program in a script file. 2. Formatting the plot interactively in the Figure Window. In this method the plot is formatted by clicking on the plot and using the menu to make changes or add details.
Once a figure window is open, the figure can be formatted interactively. Use Figure, Axes, and Current Object-Properties in the Edit menu Click here to start the plot edit mode. Use the insert menu to FORMATTING A PLOT IN THE FIGURE WINDOW
Close and Save fig. 30 Networks and Communication Department
Close & Saving Plots You can close all the current plots using ‘close all’ Often you may want to save a plot to include in another document, for example a Word document for a project report. From the figure window, save the plot in a file using the jpeg format. The jpeg format is pretty universal and compatible with MicroSoft Word and Powerpoint applications. It’s easy to do, give it a try.
Saving Figures files extenstion:.fig also you can save.jpeg.tif.bmp.pdf. »plot3d_soln
using the Dialog Box: File Menu / Print... >>printdlg from Command Line: Controlling Page Layout: File Menu / Print Preview >>printpreview Printing Figures print print('argument1','argumen t2',...)
Copying to Clipboard: Options:(Edit / Copy Option) Copying:(Edit / Copy Figure) Exporting Figures
Any Questions ? The End 35 Networks and Communication Department