Duke Game Watch Webinar
Welcome and thanks for joining us Duke Game Watch Webinar Overview - 10 minutes Q&A - 20 minutes Erica Gavin ’96 Liz Jackson Kate Kemery Chris O’Neill ’95 Dave Schmidt ’07 Nicole Silvanic Duke Alumni Association Regional Directors
Duke Game Watches Game Watches are fun events to gather local alumni together to watch football, basketball and other sports They are a great way to socialize and bring different ages and schools together Game Watches introduce alums to DAA’s programming Good way to update contact information
DAA Resources Location, Location, Location Publicity Pricing Timeline Day-of and follow up Planning Your Event
DAA Resources DAA Regional Staff and Local Leadership are great resources for assistance with logistics Schedules at Schedule events for entire season as soon as schedule is known, preferably for only a few key rivalry games
Suggestions: Reserve a section/private room of a bar or restaurant, a room at a private club, or hotel space Bar/location prioritizes Duke games, has a Duke affiliation, or is a sports viewing oriented bar/location Bar/location allows for easy watching (large televisions) University policy prohibits the use of any facility that discriminates due to race, sex, sexual orientation or religion Consistent Central Location is Important: Attendees learn parking/location; more likely to come again Paying for parking has shown to be a deterrent Organizing is easier because the venue gets to know the normal set-up and flow of events More business for location; they commit to show all chosen games for the season and welcome fans even when there is no “official” event Location, Location, Location
Send complete event description to regional leadership and DAA regional staff for inclusion in the monthly e-news and on the website as soon as all details are set Be sure to include the following information Date Start time Location with address, parking information Provide RSVP mechanism, not required but make clear it will assist with planning Contact person for questions Use social media such as Facebook, Linked-In and Instagram to publicize Visit programming/volunteer-guidehttp://dukealumni.com/alumni-communities/regional- programming/volunteer-guide Particularly helpful are links to "Publicity & Communications Methods and Policies" and "Game Watch E-Blast Policy". Publicity
Attendees are expected to pay for themselves; there is no price to attend Be aware of food/drink minimums Advise attendees if venue does not accept credit cards Most bars are happy for the business and will not charge anything over and above food and drinks; ensure there are no hidden costs Pricing
Timeline Mid-summer for football; September for basketball- Set schedule and venue 5-10 Weeks Out- Send write-up to DAA for regional website and e-newsletter Send to social network coordinators for promotion 3-4 Weeks Out- Work with treasurer and/or DAA to pay vendors, as needed 2 Weeks Out- Request needed supplies from DAA (nametags, banners, etc.) 1 Week Out- Reconfirm location; get cell number of location rep Day Before Event- Collect materials (sharpies, pens, sign-in sheet, RSVP list, signage, nametages, banners, etc.)
Day-of Logistics and Follow Up Minutes Prior- Arrive to set-up, organize volunteers Assign volunteer roles – 1 or more greeters/check-in; emcee; “floaters” to work room and make all feel welcome Make area easy to spot with Duke logos, banners & colors At event, announce upcoming events and volunteer opportunities 1-2 Days After- Send attendance list to DAA; send thank you to attendees
Q&A Session Forever Duke