Conflict Conflict is the struggle between opposing forces. There are two types of conflict: internal and external In internal conflict, a character struggles with his or her opposing feelings, beliefs, needs or desires. In external conflict, a character struggles against an outside force such as another character, society or nature.
Conflict Conflict and the search for a solution are the mainspring of a story’s plot. The solution, which usually occurs near the end of a story, is called the resolution. In some stories, the conflict is not truly resolved. Instead, the main character experiences an epiphany, or sudden flash of insight. Although the conflict is not resolved, the character’s thoughts about it change.
DIRECTIONS: “American History” contains a number of conflicts. In your notebook, briefly describe the story situation surrounding each conflict. Collaborate with elbow partners. 1. Elena vs. Gail ______________________ 2. Elena and Eugene vs. their classmates _________ 3. Elena vs. her mother __________________ 4. Elena within herself_________________ 5. Elena vs. Eugene’s mother ______________
How about the ending? Briefly discuss the story’s ending. Does the ending contain a resolution that solves the story’s main conflict, or does it contain an epiphany, a sudden flash of insight? Explain your answer by citing details from the story in your notebook. (Hint) remember the snow and the color gray….
contrast environment factor incorporate predominant Exit ticket: compare Elena’s feelings and thoughts on the day of Kennedy’s assassination with those of her mother. What are their predominant concerns? What factors lead them to react differently to the events of the day? Use at least one Academic Vocabulary word in your writing. (10 minutes)