ELEMENTS OF FICTION Characters and Conflict
CHARACTERS A character is a person or animal who takes part in the action of a literary work. The main character, or protagonist, is the most important character in the story. This character often changes in some important way as a result of the story’s events. The antagonist is the character or force in conflict with the main character, or protagonist.
TYPES OF CHARACTERS Round – A round character shows many different traits—faults as well as virtues. Flat – A flat character shows only one trait. Dynamic – A dynamic character develops and grows during the course of the story Static – A static character does not change
CHARACTERIZATION Characterization is the act of creating and developing a character. Two types of Characterization: Direct: The author directly states a character’s traits. Indirect: The author tells what a character looks like, does, and says, as well as how other characters react to him or her. It is up to the reader to draw conclusions about the character based on this indirect information. (The most effective indirect characterizations usually result from showing characters acting or speaking.)
CONFLICT Elements of Fiction: Part 2 - Conflict
WHAT IS CONFLICT? Conflict – A struggle between opposing forces Some plot elements are optional. Conflict is not. Without conflict, there is no purpose. Characters want something they do not have, or they are looking for ways to change their current reality, or they must overcome challenges of some kind, however great or small.
TWO KINDS External – the main character struggles against an outside force. This force may be another character but it does not necessarily have to be. It could be society or nature. Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Internal conflict - involves a character in conflict with himself or herself Man vs. Himself
CONFLICT IN SPEAK What types of conflict are present? As we read, consider how the author structures Melinda’s internal conflict to draw emphasis to it.