Chapter 8 Introduction to Behavior Copyright © 2010 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin
8-2 What is Overt Consumer Behavior? Overt consumer behavior refers to the observable and measurable responses or actions of consumers. Distinct from affect and cognition because it is external and can be observed directly. Problems studying overt consumer behavior: Determining the appropriate level of analysis. Deciding whether individual consumers or the entire world market is the appropriate level. Linkages between overt behavior and affect and cognition are not well developed at a theoretical level.
8-3 The Importance of Overt Consumer Behavior In many cases influencing affect and cognition may lead to overt behavior, but this linkage often does not hold. Behavior precedes and causes affect and cognition in some cases. Most marketing strategies cannot succeed without influencing overt consumer behavior.
8-4 Exhibit Traditional Models of the Adoption/Purchase Process
8-5 Exhibit A Common Behavior Sequence for a Retail Store Consumer Goods Purchase
8-6 A Model of Overt Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior sequence model qualifications: Consumers commonly perform many other combinations of behavior. The model is intended to illustrate only one type of behavior sequence for retail purchases. The time it takes for a consumer to perform the behaviors depends on a variety of factors.
8-7 A Model of Overt Consumer Behavior (cont.) Members of the channel of distribution usually vary in their emphasis on encouraging particular behaviors. Although the consumer behavior model exhibits logical and useful categories of behavior, other labels or breakdowns could also be useful.
8-8 Information Contact Information contact occurs when consumers come into contact with information, either intentionally or accidentally. Marketers seek to provide consumers with information. Consumers search for information about products, brands, stores, and prices.
8-9 Exhibit Factors Affecting Information Search by Consumers
8-10 Exhibit A Comparison of Information Sources
8-11 Funds Access Primary marketing issues: Methods used by consumers to pay for particular purchases. Marketing strategies to increase the probability that consumers can access funds for purchase. Another issue is the effort the consumer exerts to obtain the actual funds that are spent.
8-12 Store Contact Includes: Locating the outlet Traveling to the outlet Entering the outlet Nature of consumers in their roles as shoppers affects the probability of store contact.
8-13 Product Contact Push strategies enhance retailers’ selling efforts. Pull strategies encourage the consumer to purchase the manufacturer’s brand. Three behaviors usually necessary for a purchase to occur: Locate the product or brand in the store. Physically obtain the product or brand. Take the product or brand to the point of exchange.
8-14 Transaction Consumers’ funds are exchanged for products and services in transactions. Positive consequences are critical elements in obtaining transactions.
8-15 Consumption and Disposition Consumption and use are not simple behaviors to delineate because of the vast differences in the natures of various products and services. Regardless of the type of product, however, a primary marketing concern is increasing the probability of repurchase.
8-16 Communication Marketers want consumers to communicate with two basic audiences: Provide the company with marketing information. Tell other potential consumers about the product and encourage them to purchase it.
8-17 Communication (cont.) From consumers to marketers Marketers want at least three types of information from consumers: Information about the consumer Names of other potential buyers Information about defective products From consumers to consumers A product that is effective and performs well may encourage this behavior.
8-18 Marketing Implications Marketing managers need to: Consider carefully precisely behaviors necessary for consumers to purchase, and use particular products and brands. Have clear implications for offering products in appropriate outlets. Marketing strategies and tactics are designed to alter overt consumer behavior by changing one or more aspects of the environment.
8-19 Summary The topic of overt consumer behavior and its importance to marketing was discussed. A sequential model of overt consumer behavior was developed for use in analyzing and increasing responses. The seven behaviors listed in the model were discussed.