Georgia’s Constitution, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Citizens’ Rights and Responsibilities
I can describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution. a. I can explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution. b. I can explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances. c. I can describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens. d. I can explain voting qualifications and elections in Georgia.
You are to create a colorful, creative, and informative poster that covers the role of citizens. Your groups poster is on Georgia’s Constitution. You are to include the answers to the questions below on your chart paper however you are not to write the questions and information should be in your own words. Your poster should include a picture that relates to your topic. Once you have answered the questions you are to create a 5 quiz questions that could be answer based off your poster. This should be created using Socrative. All groups members name should be in the lower left hand corner of your poster. Questions a. What is the purpose of Georgia’s Constitution? B. How many Constitutions have Georgia had? C. When was the current constitution ratified? D. What does Georgia’s constitution include? E. How many parts are there to Georgia’s Constitution? (Structure)
It is the governing document that outlines the foundation of Georgia’s government: the structure of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, governmental offices, and citizens’ rights and responsibilities in the state of Georgia. What is the Georgia state constitution?
Georgia’s Constitution is a written set of guidelines for operating the state’s government. It is the highest set of laws for the state. Georgia’s Constitution outlines the following: 1. Structure of government 2. Elections 3. Three branches of government 4. Taxes 5. Public Education 6. Local Government 7. Process for amending (making changes) to the Constitution
Georgia has had 10 constitutions. The current constitution was ratified in It is modeled after the U.S. Constitution. How many constitutions has Georgia had?
Structure of the Georgia state constitution: Preamble (Introduction) Articles (11 main articles) Sections Paragraphs What is the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution?
Article I: Bill of Rights Article II: Voting & Elections Article III: Legislative Branch Article IV: Constitutional Boards & Commissions Article V: Executive Branch Article VI: Judicial Branch What is the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution?
Article VII: Taxation & Finance Article VIII: Education Article IX: Counties & Municipal Corporations Article X: Amendments to the Constitution Article XI: Miscellaneous Provisions What is the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution?
You are to create a colorful, creative, and informative poster that covers the role of citizens. Your groups poster is on Rights and Responsibilities. You are to include the answers to the questions below on your chart paper however you are not to write the questions and information should be in your own words. Your poster should include a picture that relates to your topic. Once you have answered the questions you are to create a 5 quiz questions that could be answer based off your poster. This should be created using Socrative. All groups members name should be in the lower left hand corner of your poster. Questions a. Define Rights, Responsibilities and Duty. B. List some rights of Georgia citizens. (make sure to include those different from the U.S. Bill of Rights) C. List some responsibilities of Georgia citizens. D. Where do the rights of Georgia citizens come from? (What document?)
Article I of the Georgia Constitution outlines the Rights of the citizens of Georgia. The first constitution of Georgia supported the basic rights of the citizens. The current rights are modeled after the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. What are the rights and responsibilities of Georgia citizens?
Rights: Something citizens possess that government can only take away in special circumstances. Responsibilities: Something citizens should do, but are not required to. Duty: An obligation of citizens, something citizens are required to do by law. What is the difference between a right, responsibility and duty?
Similar rights and freedoms to the U.S. Constitution Right to freedom of religion Right to keep and bear arms Right to freedom of speech Right to assemble Etc. Different rights and freedoms from the U.S. Constitution Right to life, liberty and property Freedom of conscience Banishment and whipping as punishment for a crime Fishing and hunting What are the rights and responsibilities of Georgia citizens?
Actions that harm others Actions that break laws Actions that infringe on others’ rights What actions could take these rights away?
The citizens also have responsibilities to the government. Examples of citizen responsibilities/duties: Jury Duty Paying taxes Serving in military when required. Volunteering Voting What are the responsibilities of Georgia citizens?
You are to create a colorful, creative, and informative poster that covers the role of citizens. Your groups poster is on Voting Requirement. You are to include the answers to the questions below on your chart paper however you are not to write the questions and information should be in your own words. Your poster should include a picture that relates to your topic. Once you have answered the questions you are to create a 5 quiz questions that could be answer based off your poster. This should be created using Socrative. All groups members name should be in the lower left hand corner of your poster. Questions a. What are the requirements to vote in Georgia? B. Who cannot vote in Georgia? C. Why is voting so important?
The most common way citizens become involved politically is through voting. When citizens vote they officially voice their opinion about who they want to represent them or help to decide major questions, issues or proposed laws. Citizens voting has a major influence on government decision making. Why do people vote?
You must be 18 years of age or older. Be a citizen of the U.S. Citizen of Georgia and live in the county where you wish to vote. Be registered with the Secretary of State’s office 30 days before election. Have a VALID form of identification – such as a voter ID card, driver’s license or state issued ID What are the requirements to vote in Georgia?
A person may not vote if they are serving a felony sentence. Once the sentence requirements are complete, the person may vote again. A person may not vote if they have been found by a judge to be mentally incompetent. Why can’t some people vote?
You are to create a colorful, creative, and informative poster that covers the role of citizens. Your groups poster is on Political Parties. You are to include the answers to the questions below on your chart paper however you are not to write the questions and information should be in your own words. Your poster should include a picture that relates to your topic. Once you have answered the questions you are to create a 5 quiz questions that could be answer based off your poster. This should be created using Socrative. All groups members name should be in the lower left hand corner of your poster. Questions a. Define Political Parties. B. What are the two major Political Parties? C. What is the function of political parties? What do they do? D. What are some minor parties in the U.S.?
Groups of people who join together because of shared ideas and interests Help voters know what a candidate stands for Two major political parties in US: Democrats Republicans What are political parties?
Minor political parties also exist: Libertarian Green Party Reform Party Independents are not part of a particular political party What are political parties?
Recruiting and nominating candidates. Educating the electorate (voters) about campaign issues. Helping candidates win elections. Monitoring actions of officeholders. What is the function of political parties?
You are to create a colorful, creative, and informative poster that covers the role of citizens. Your groups poster is on Elections. You are to include the answers to the questions below on your chart paper however you are not to write the questions and information should be in your own words. Your poster should include a picture that relates to your topic. Once you have answered the questions you are to create a 5 quiz questions that could be answer based off your poster. This should be created using Socrative. All groups members name should be in the lower left hand corner of your poster. Questions a. Define each type of election: Primary, General, Special B. When are General Elections Held? C. What is the purpose of a run-off? D. What is a referendum?
Elections which select candidates to represent a political party at the General Election (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State) When Georgia was a one-party state, these were the only elections that truly counted. Even now, if the only one party is represented at the Primary level, the Primary determines the election. What are primary elections?
In some states, voters must register as a Democrat or a Republican to be able to vote in primary elections In Georgia, any voter may vote in any party’s primary election at the state level What are primary elections?
An election where the winners from both parties’ primaries, along with members of third parties and independents, compete for political offices. The elections are also held in even number years and take place on the second Tuesday of November. What are general elections? Quoted directly from Grade Eight Teacher notes – page 93
An election to vote for a vacancy or special issue. If neither candidate gets 50% of the vote, a run-off is held to determine the winner. (at the primary or general elections) Voters are allowed to vote on law. What are special elections? What are run- offs? What is a referendum?
You are to create a colorful, creative, and informative poster that covers the role of citizens. Your groups poster is on Georgia State Motto/Flag. You are to include the answers to the questions below on your chart paper however you are not to write the questions and information should be in your own words. Your poster should include a picture that relates to your topic. Once you have answered the questions you are to create a 5 quiz questions that could be answer based off your poster. This should be created using Socrative. All groups members name should be in the lower left hand corner of your poster. Questions a. What is Georgia’s motto? B. Where is it located? C. What is the Georgia Pledge of Allegiance? D. What do the words in the motto mean? What are their purpose?
Georgia’s motto is Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation It is located on the state flag and seal. It is also in the Georgia Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge of Allegiance to the Georgia flag and to the principles for which it stands: Wisdom, Justice and Moderation.”
Georgia’s current state flag was adopted in The state motto is wrapped around three pillars (they represent the three branches of government.) What is the purpose of the words: Wisdom: remind legislative branch to be wise in creating laws. Justice: appeals to the judicial branch for fair and just decisions. Moderation: urges executive branch to carry out laws calmly and within the boundaries of law.
"Elections." Georgia Secretary of State. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct Esslinger, Erica. "Ericaesslinger." Mrs Essies Georgia Studies Class. N.p., 12 Oct Web. 13 Oct "Grade Eight Teacher Notes." (n.d.): N. Pag. Georgia Department of Education, 16 Oct Web. 13 Oct