Wilson's med Tubular Slide Sheets INTRODUCTION: Sliding patients up the bed is the most common patient-handling manoeuvres that nurses undertake. It is paramount that they undertake this procedure safely, to minimise the risk of injury or harm to themselves, colleagues or patients. In the past, staff may have resorted to using bed sheets to move patients up the bed; this is not recommended because there is a risk of tearing or causing friction burns to patients’ skin. SLIDE SHEETS Slide sheets enable patients to be slid up a surface or over on to their side, that is, up the bed or rolled over in bed. These sheets reduce the risk of shearing to patients’ skin and also reduce the amount of pushing and pulling that nurses have to do. There are different types of slide sheets and it is important to be familiar recommendations on how they should be used. Wilson's med slide sheets are tubular sheets with in inner friction free surface, and an outer slip resistance surface. Safe storage is essential - slide sheets are often made of slippery material and can be hazardous. These sheets should not be left on the floor or under an unattended patient but should be stored where they can be easily retrieved but will not cause accidents. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: This procedure should be undertaken only after approved training, supervised practice and competency assessment, and carried out in accordance with local policies and protocols. Tubular Sheet
Procedure: *Explain the procedure to the patient. Advise them that staff will slide them up the bed using a slide sheet but they may be asked to do simple actions such as placing their arms on their chest and bend their knees, when staff help them to roll. *Ensure the patient’s privacy - screen the bed and ensure the patient will not be exposed, using top-sheet. *Ensure the environment is safe. Remove any obstructions that could hinder the manoeuvre, such as chairs or patients’ belongings. Check there is nothing slippery on the floor such water spillage. *Ensure the bed brakes are on. The bed should be at a safe working height as shown in the picture. This is the optimal working height between the staff carrying out the manoeuvre - median height in respect of the handlers’ waist and pelvis. *Wash and dry hands; put on a appropriate personal protective equipment. Ensure that the slide sheet is the correct size to allow for the whole of the patient’s body to be on the slide sheet. (From head to heels) To insert slides sheet under a patient, roll the patient from side to side with one carer/handler on either side of the bed. *To roll the patient bend the knee on the opposite side of the patient from the way the patient is to be rolled. When rolling to the left raise the right knee. ‘Position the patient’s left arm away from the left side of their body. Encourage the patient to roll their head to the left side. The patients’ right arm is placed on their left shoulder. ‘The carer/handler places their right hand on the patient’s right shoulder and their left hand on the patients’ right knee and rolls the patient to the left.
Insert the slide sheet by folding or rolling it in half and place against the patients’ spine. The patient is then rolled from one side to the other and the slide sheet is unrolled so that the slide sheet is fully under the patient. When the slide sheet has been placed under the patient, they can be moved up the bed. One carer/handler stands on either side of the bed facing each other. The carers/handlers grip the top layer of the slide sheet with one hand positioned at the patient’s shoulder and the other placed at the patient’s hip. The carers/handlers place majority of their weight on the leg furthest from the head of the bed. To move the patient the carers/handlers transfer their weight from the leg furthest from the head of the bed to the one nearest the head of the bed. If the patient has not been moved the desired distance the procedure can be repeated until the patient is in the correct position.
To insert slides sheet under a patient, roll the patient from side to side with one carer/handler on either side of the bed. To roll the patient bend the knee on the opposite side of the patient from the way the patient is to be rolled. When rolling to the left raise the right knee. Position the patient’s left arm away from the left side of their body. Encourage the patient to roll their head to the left side. The patients’ right arm is placed on their left shoulder. The carer/handler places their right hand on the patients’ right shoulder and their left hand on the patients’ right knee and rolls the patient to the left. Insert the slide sheet by folding or rolling it in half and placed against the patient’s spine. The patient is then rolled from one side to the other and the slide sheet is unrolled so that the slide sheet is fully under the patient.
When the slide sheet has been placed under the patient, they can be moved up the bed. One carer/handler stands on either side of the bed facing the foot of the bed. The carers/handlers grip the top layer of the slide sheet with one hand positioned at the patient’s shoulder. The carers/handlers step back on the leg closest to the bed. Care must be taken to ensure the patient is correctly positioned in the bed. On completion on the maneouvre remove the slide sheets from under the patient by rolling the patient from side to side. Good practice: Ensure brakes on the bed are on prior to commencing movement. Make sure slide sheet is inserted correctly. Inner slippery surface is inside(not outside).this can be confirmed by rubbing the sheet between your palms prior to insertion.