LaGuardia What, Why &How?
W HAT IS AN E P ORTFOLIO ? A collection of student work A web portal where students access their work, track their academic growth and plan their career A multimodal way to express, reflect on and present student work A digital resume A record of student skills, achievements and learning
W HAT CAN YOU PUT IN AN E P ORTFOLIO ? Course work: research projects essays, internship reports, business plans, accounting/cost-benefit graphs, reflections, etc. Multimedia files: video clips, audio clips, graphic files, visual art designs, photos, etc. Documents: Word, Excel, Powerpoint Presentations, etc. Links: blogs, websites, social media tools
W HY E P ORTFOLIO ? To deepen student learning and engagement: The LaGuardia ePortfolio encourages students to think about their learning within the broader context of family, career, culture, and experience.
W HY E P ORTFOLIO ? For Recruitment and Admission The LaGuardia ePortfolio is used to recruit potential students and orient newly admitted ones. During the orientation, students are given a sneak preview of what they can do with their ePortfolios and how they can benefit from them. LaGuardia stands out from other CUNY campuses because of its comprehensive ePortfolio program.
W HY E P ORTFOLIO ? As a tool to engage students in discussion of transfer issues in their discipline. The hope is to make ePortfolio as an advisement instrument to support the successful transfer of our students to senior colleges. For more information about advising please visit:
W HY E P ORTFOLIO ? For Transfer and Employment : LaGuardia’s ePortfolio helps students to examine and reflect on their learning and career goals. This eases the transition from LaGuardia to the worlds of work and advanced education. For more information about transfer, please visit:
W HY E P ORTFOLIO ? For Program assessment: All colleges and universities examine teaching practice and student learning in order to improve the education provided to students. At LaGuardia, this process is called Program Assessment. And we do it, in part, with samples of class work students place in their ePortfolios and in the Program Assessment interface of the ePortfolios.
H OW TO GET STARTED Log in : Develop your ePortfolio:
F EATURES o Ease of use o Customization o Various multimedia file formats could be uploaded o Social networking features o Drag and drop features o notifications o Unlimited number of ePortfolios per account holder o Dedicated and secured URL per ePortfolio o Web-based system eliminates need for additional software programs and zip files
F EATURES Convenience - mobility Log in off campus and edit ePortfolio from home Less time consuming to create Easy to learn and retain Less time spent in lab Less need for outside help to create and edit ePortfolio Improved functionality, new modules like video, enhanced photo presentation User-controlled access makes ePortfolio work more fun
W HERE TO GET HELP ePortfolio Labs: B 121, B 123 Online Tutorials: Contact ePortfolio Consultants: Staff Information: All about LAGCC’s ePortfolio program: