District 7570 Membership
District 7570 How Important Is Membership? MEMBERSHIP
District 7570 Membership Numbers Keep track of where your club stands each month in terms of net membership Goal is for each club to have a net gain Every club is different Every club President is different
District 7570 Numbers Tell A Story
District 7570 If you could change one part of Rotary over the past 30 years, what would it be?
District 7570 This is what I would change 12% Approximate percentage of Rotarians who have ever sponsored someone into Rotary
District 7570
This is Rukhsar Khatoon. She has the last recorded case of polio in India. This precious little girl would most certainly not have polio if we had done a better job with membership in Rotary.
District 7570 Let this be your year to bring someone into Rotary.
District 7570 Why is this slide here?
District 7570 Two Distinct Channels Don’t Reinvent the Wheel Type in Rotary Membership in a search engine Share success stories (and failures) with Rotarians from other clubs Be Creative!
District 7570 New Club Extension Has your club ever sponsored another club? Look for locations and times that are open in your area What professions cannot attend any clubs in your area?
District 7570 New Club Extension DG Representative Charter President Sponsoring club members must be supportive
District 7570 Recruitment Share your story – why are you in Rotary? Explain what Rotary does as a service organization – join while you can be a part of eradicating polio from the world
District 7570 Recruitment Lead by example: bring in a new Rotarian at your first meeting as President Don’t forget to talk about networking – networking is not a bad word!
District 7570 Recruitment Use social media
District 7570 Recruitment Talk about friendship and fellowship What is the value of a good friendship? PRICELESS!
District 7570 Recruitment Tell a prospect how important their uniqueness is to your club
District 7570 Recruitment – Be Intentional Invite someone when you know the program will be good for them Choose a good time of year for your recruit Know your Rotary basics
District 7570 Recruitment – Be Intentional Have materials ready to hand out Find people in under-represented classifications Be persistent
District 7570 It is okay to sponsor someone into a club other than your own.
District 7570 Potential Members Friends and family members Business acquaintances Professional colleagues Younger community leaders who are already connected to Rotary through Rotaract, RYLA, peace fellowships, Youth Exchange, and other programs
District 7570 Retention/Development What is this?
District 7570 Retention/Development Goal of 90-95% retention each year Why do people leave – exit interview – was something not up to par: the food, the lighting, the temperature or…
District 7570 Retention/Development The parking…
District 7570 Retention/Development Call new members by name and be friendly
District 7570 Retention/Development Recognize members for their achievements (in the community and in the club) Have a program in to educate new members about your club (Red Badge) Keep members involved in club projects and activities Encourage members to take on club leadership roles Communication – weekly s, monthly newsletters, phone call, mail a card
District 7570 Retention/Development Remember when?
District 7570 Membership Your ability to effectively convey your passion for Rotary is essential to membership.