Wanderbot Final Presentation Autonomous Delivery Platform Kristian Gonzalez Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate IMDL Spring 2015 Kristian Gonzalez - IMDL.


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Presentation transcript:

Wanderbot Final Presentation Autonomous Delivery Platform Kristian Gonzalez Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate IMDL Spring 2015 Kristian Gonzalez - IMDL - 1

 Wanderbot’s Mission:  Avoid Obstacles (complete)  Find Waypoint (under development)  Move between Home and Waypoint (under development) Introduction Kristian Gonzalez - IMDL - 2

Systems Overview – Upper Level Kristian Gonzalez - IMDL - 3 PS3 Eye Cam Adafruit 10DOF IMU Teensy jumper wires Beaglebone Black 4 LED / 1 Button Board

Systems Overview – Lower Level Kristian Gonzalez - IMDL Sharp IR Sensors 2 Pololu 75:1 Gearmotors Turnigy 5000mAh Battery Data “Merge” board Power Merge board

 PS3 Eye Cam  Purpose: Waypoint detection  Adafruit 10DOF IMU  Purpose: Compass for heading, Accelerometer / Gyroscope for angle detection  Lessons Learned  Pay for convenience & quality, be aware of options before purchasing  K.I.S.S.! Special sensors Kristian Gonzalez - IMDL - 5

Current Project Status Kristian Gonzalez - IMDL - 6 ObjectiveStatus Obstacle AvoidanceComplete IMU-CompassComplete Camera-detectionFunctional IntegrationFunctional (OA,Compass) IMU-Accel/GyroUnder Development Obstacle CourseUnder Development Encoder Velocities Cancelled