Laboratory Safety Integrated Science Mr. Machol
Lab Safety is paramount in this class In order to participate in lab you will need to pass the lab safety test with a 90% or better This is the ONLY quiz or tests where retakes are offered… – Retake will not improve your score, but will allow you to participate in lab Why are we starting with this?
2. Wear Safety Goggles Place goggles on before lab starts and remove after clean up is complete
3. Enter lab with permission Never begin a laboratory expirement without permission from your teacher - Where is the lab?
4. Never eat or drink in the lab Never eat or drink during a lab - Classroom policies a few exceptions…
5. Know the location of safety equipment Fire extinguisher Safety shower Fire blanket Eye wash
6. Report all accidents immediately In case of: Fire Spills Breakage Or any other accident, do not hesitate to call for help
7. Chemical Spills 1.If you spill on yourself: – Call for teacher – Wash it off immediately with LOTS of water 2.If you spill on something: – Call teacher first – Usually clean up with water
8. In case of fire 1.If you catch on fire: – Call for help – Stop, drop, and roll – Use safety shower – Never run! 2.If someone else catches on fire: – Call for help – Smother with safety blanket – Use the safety shower – Do not use the fire extinguisher! 3.If fire breaks out in the room: – Tell Mr. Machol IMMEDIATELY! – Follow school fire-drill procedure
Call for help Turn on cold water and place the burned area underneath the water DO NOT pull off any loose skin Use ice pack to remove heat 9. In case of a Burn
10. Open flames When working with an open flame: 1.Wear goggles 2.Tie back long hair 3.Take off loose clothing and jewelry 4.Keep all material, especially flammable, away from flame 5.Never leave a flame (a Bunsen burner) unattended.
11. Study the Procedure Be sure to understand the hazards in the lab you are performing before doing the lab * ALL LABS whether pre-lab quiz or not
12. Working with chemicals 1.Always wear your safety goggles 2.Check the label twice before taking a chemical 3.Never taste a chemical 4.Never mix chemicals unless directed to do so 5.Always waft when smelling 6.Wash a chemical spill off immediately 7.Wash your hands with soap after using chemicals
13. Heating Safety 1.Turn off heat sources when not in use 2.Do not look directly into glassware that is heating 3.Use tongs to pick up hot glassware 4.Use only Pyrex and Kimax for heating 5.Use aluminum trays to heat solids 6.Do not pour hot liquids into plastic containers 7.Never use cracked or broken glassware for heating 8.Give hot containers at least 2 minutes to cool on the ring stand before touching or washing
14. Always work in a responsible manner 1.No horsing around 2.No fooling around 3.No running around 4.No throwing items 5.Always be responsible and respectful 6.Do not touch equipment or chemicals until you have been given permission 7.Always clean up after yourself 8.You break it, you buy it
Questions about Lab Safety? The End