What are Classroom Procedures? Procedures are a method or process of getting things done in the classroom. Procedures are a part of our everyday life. Procedures help structure our activities in an orderly and efficient manner.
Why do we have procedures in our classroom? Classroom procedures establish our classroom culture. Classroom procedures give us structure and set our daily routines. Classroom procedures help our classroom to run smoothly.
Entering the Classroom. Enter quietly and politely. Go to your seat and get prepared to start your bellwork assignment. Do not disturb others who are seated and working.
When the Class Bell Rings BE IN YOUR SEAT AND WORKING! I will take attendance and proceed with our in-class business and instruction.
End of Class Dismissal Be in your seat and have your desk area cleaned. I WILL DISMISS THE CLASS. No one will be allowed to leave without being dismissed by me, period.
Mrs. Sykes’ Signal for Attention I will stand with my hand raised. If you are working in groups and cannot see me, I will clap my hands and then raise one. When you see me, you will: 1 – FREEZE 1 – FREEZE 2 – Turn and face me, pay attention and keep your eyes on me 2 – Turn and face me, pay attention and keep your eyes on me 3 – Be ready for instruction as I will have something to say 3 – Be ready for instruction as I will have something to say
Sharpening Pencils Pencils are to be sharpened BEFORE the bell rings. Bring a spare in case you break a lead. If you need to sharpen your pencil during class, raise your hand for permission. Use crank sharpener for colored pencils only. Use automatic sharpener for lead pencils only.
Intercom Announcements / TV When announcements are made on the intercom or if we are viewing the TV…everyone is to be absolutely SILENT and LISTEN. No exceptions!
Keeping the Aisles Cleared Keep books or anything you bring to class out of the aisles. Store items under your desk or in another area of the classroom.
Getting in Line When we leave class, I will call you by rows. Form a straight line quickly and quietly. When lining up outside of the classroom, I will call you by last name letters (A-G, H-M, N-S, T-Z). Keep hands to yourself, no cutting in line, changing places, kicking, shoving, or talking.
Fire Drills/Emergencies We will have a fire drill every month. Follow procedures for getting in line. I will tell you where to go/what to do. You will remain with me at all times and stay in line, keep silent, listen for my instructions. We will re-enter the building using the same procedure as when we left class.
Asking Questions If you have a general question, raise your hand and wait patiently for me to call you. Procedures for asking questions during instruction / independent work / group work will be addressed later in this PowerPoint.
Bathroom Policy Bathrooms should be visited during the passing period between classes. With the exception of a medical emergency, special accommodation, or Longhorn Bathroom Pass purchase, no one will be excused to go to the bathroom during class.
Texas History Notebook You need a 2” notebook binder You also need 3 tabbed divider pages; label each divider page: 1 – Keepers 2 – Current Chapter 3 – Previous Chapters You also will need to keep plenty of loose leaf paper in the back of your notebook to use in class for notes, quizzes, etc. BRING YOUR NOTEBOOK TO CLASS EVERY DAY!
Leaving Your Seat/Classroom If you need to leave your seat or be excused from the classroom, raise your hand for permission. Excluding any medical emergency or special accommodation, no one will be allowed to get out of his/her seat during instruction time. Only during group transitions and work will you be allowed to get up and move around. Procedures for group work will be discussed later in this PowerPoint.
Planners/Planner Entry Board You are required to keep a planner at school. I STRONGLY suggest you keep and use your planner for assignments, etc. in this class. A Planner Entry Board has been made to help you see and copy daily entries into your planners for our class. USE IT DAILY! USE IT DAILY!