Teacher: Mr. Stephens Grade: 6 th Science
Welcome to 6 h Grade Science at Harleyville-Ridgeville Middle School! I am honored to have your child in my science class, and I am excited to work with you and your child throughout the year. I believe that science is an extremely engaging and interesting subject. It increases our awareness and knowledge of the world around us and opens doors to new and exciting discoveries. WELCOME
ABOUT ME Name: Ahmad Stephens Hometown: St. George, SC Educational Background: Woodland High School – Diploma South Carolina State University – B.S. Elementary Education South Carolina State University- MED School Counseling Hobbies: Music, computers, math, educating children & basketball
Listen Carefully Follow directions Work Quietly. Do not disturb others who are working. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions Respect school and personal property. Work and play safely. Expectations:
1 st offense- Verbal Warning 2 nd offense- Isolated lunch 3 rd offense- Call Home 4 th offense- Referral sent to administrator Consequences
Students will also be given positive incentives individually and by groups throughout the week for behavior, homework, effort, and attitude. These incentives include: trips to the treat box extra free time good notes and phone calls home computer game time visit to another class to read a story or do peer work homework pass Incentives for Good Behavior:
Early Morning Routine Students arriving at school before 7:40 AM enter the school building in the back and go directly to the cafeteria or gym. After breakfast has been eaten students are sit in their respective location (gym). Students who arrive after the schedule time will be counted tardy. These students cannot enter the classroom until they have checked in at the office and received a tardy slip from the office. Procedures for Non- Instructional Routines
As the students enter the classroom, they have Procedures they follow to prepare for the day. The steps include: Use the restroom prior to coming to class. Enter the room quietly. Unpack your book bag. Put your HW on your desk. Start your Do Now. Students can also use this time to sharpen two pencils and get water. Students are expected to complete morning work independently and silently unless otherwise instructed. Morning Classroom Routine
Homework is used as supplemental practice for skills covered in class. Students are expected to complete all assignments and bring the completed assignments to school the following day. Homework will be checked on a daily basis. Any student whose homework isn’t complete or is left at home will complete the assignment in work detention during recess or lunch. Homework
You are required to use the restroom prior to coming to class. The students are permitted to go to the restroom in case of an emergency. In this case, the students will give me a signal and I will allow them to go then. No one will be aloud to use the classroom during, direct instruction which is normally the first 30 minutes of class. Restroom Procedures:
Students are to sharpen at least two pencils each morning. In the event a pencil breaks, the student may borrow a pencil from another student or from the teacher. If students fail to bring their pencils to school, they may borrow one from the teacher for the day. Procedure for Sharpening Pencils:
When traveling school grounds, students are to walk three “blocks” from the wall in a straight, quiet line. We stop at selected points to help everyone stay together. Traveling School Grounds:
When we are moving from one task to another, the teacher sets a timer visible on the Promethean Board to let the students know what is happening. The students are to quickly and quietly get organized and ready for the next task at hand at the time. This helps to cut down on lost instructional time. Moving From Task to Task:
A make-up work folder is kept for students who are absent. Daily class work and assignments are recorded for that student by the teacher. Upon return to school, the absent student will be given deadlines for the missed work, depending on individual circumstance, length of absence, etc. After the allotted time, any unfinished work will result in a score a “0.” Absent Students
Students who finish their work early are allowed to do several things. First, students are to finish any items in their unfinished work folder from their desks. After those items are completed, students may read their textbook or library book. Early Finishers:
Tornado Procedure: The students will proceed to our designated area in the building. Students sit on their knees, lower their heads, and place their hands over their heads. They sit in this position silently until the teacher gives them other instructions. Fire Drill Procedure: The students line up quickly and quietly at the door. We walk in a straight, silent line to our designated area. In case of an Emergency