Luke 17:32 Teaching on the end days, Jesus said ‘Remember Lot’s wife.’ ESV 1
When are the end days? 2
Now – we are always in the end days! 3
Sinful living gets God’s attention! 4
Sodom and Gomorrah got God’s attention 5
Sodom and Gomorrah represent the sinful, fallen world 6
Angels of light (the gospel) tell Lot and his family to get out (of sin) 7
Lot hesitates - ‘he lingers’ The angels literally seized Lot and the family and carried them out of the door to safety 8
There are 3 things we can learn here… 9
Firstly…… We are reluctant to leave the things of this familiar world, even though we know it to be bad 10
Secondly…… We must acknowledge that Jesus is the door. John 10:9 11
Thirdly…... We cannot escape sin under our own steam – we need God’s intervention 12
The family are saved from destruction and told to run to the mountains (God) 13
The rest of the people (great and small) are blind to the light 14
Lot’s wife cannot believe that God will destroy the cities 15
Lot’s wife hankers after the things of the world; she does not let go of her thinking….. 16
….Meanwhile Lot and the rest of the family head for the mountains 17
…..whilst Lot’s wife looks back – she has not accepted that Jesus is the door to God 18
Once we are separated from the world we are to run the race; to press on….. 19
Hence our scripture of the year Philippians 3:
We have to run to the mountains (God) so that we are not destroyed as well 21
We cannot have a new life in Jesus if we are looking back to our old one at the same time 22
When judgement comes the only safe place is in Jesus Christ 23
We are to dispense salt and light, else we become a monument to our own thinking 24
Proverbs 14:14 The backslider in heart will be filled with his ways, but a good man will be satisfied from above. NKJV 25
We need to be forward sliders 26
Jesus tells us to…….. ‘Remember Lot’s wife’ 27