INTRODUCTION We are about to read and study the novel, 'Boy Overboard', by Morris Gleitzman. This is a story of adventure, courage and football. The main character, Jamal and his sister, Bibi leave their home country of Afghanistan, and go on an incredible journey to get to Australia. TASK On the left is a word cloud of some of the key words that you will read in the story. Before we begin, it is important that you know what each of these words mean. STEP ONE Go to the next slide and look up the meaning of each of the words using Google (search online dictionary). STEP TWO: CREATE Use to create an electronic mind map of the definitions that you’ve just found. STEP THREE: MATCH Then match the key words with the images provided on the next on the next slide. You can work with a friend to complete this task. Just make sure you both have a copy of the matched-up words. Screen shot your finished slide, so that you have a copy of it in your camera roll. STEP FOUR: REMEMBER Complete the sentence writing task on the final slide. STEP FIVE When you have completed all the tasks on the presentation, use copy and paste to add your work to your online journal document. Boy Overboard- Key Words
Match the words with the images BuzzardMissile Afghanistan AncestorsTackleRocket craterLandminesDebrisCamouflageDribblingWreckageFranticExplosionBakerTalibanSurvivorPiratePersecuteTantrum Refugee
PirateTackleSurvivor Explosion FranticallyTaliban Buzzard Wreckage Refugee Type your sentences in this text box Demonstrate your understanding of the key words in Boy Overboard Create sentences using some of the words you have just learned. Choose any row of words from the grid below, and create sentences using each of the 3 words from the row. You can make the sentences as long as you like, but they must contain the 3 words from your chosen row. For example: The buzzard flew frantically at the pirate. Tic Tac Know