Drama Terms
Drama A form of literature that is a written to be performed before an audience
Tragedy Unveils the downfall of a main character in a serious tone
Comedy A light an often humorous play
Plot The chain of events that make up the story
Acts Series and sequences that make up a play; where the plot is developed
Scenes Series and sequences that make up the acts of a play
Setting The established time and place of a play
Characters The individuals who participate in the action and bring the plot to life through words
Dialogue The conversation between characters
Protagonist The central character of the play that is deeply involved in the conflict and may change because of it
Antagonist A major character that opposes the central character
Foil A minor character that contrasts in personality with the central character
Conflict A struggle between opposing forces
Theme The central message that the writer wants to share with the audience
Cast of Characters A list of characters presented before the action starts
Stage Directions Italicized words that identify the setting, suggest the use of props, lighting, scenery, sound effects, describe how characters look, speak, move, and react
Exposition Provides essential background information and introduces the characters, setting, and conflict
Rising Action The conflict intensifies and complications arise that make the conflict more difficult for characters to resolve
Climax The turning point of the action, when a reader’s interest is at its highest point
Falling Action Reveals the final conclusion of the conflict
Resolution Ties up loose ends in the plot
Monologue A long speech that is spoken by a single character to himself or herself, or to the audience
Soliloquy A monologue in which a character speaks private thoughts aloud and appears to be unaware of the audience
Aside A short speech or comment a character delivers to the audience, but that seems unheard by the other characters who are on the stage