Umm Al Qura University Faculty of Social Sciences English Department An Introduction to Drama Introduction to Literature Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah
Drama A story acted out, usually on a stage, by actors and actresses who take the parts of specific characters. Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah
Main Types 1- Tragedy: A literary work in which the central character meets an unhappy or disastrous end. It often depicts the problems of a central character or dignified or heroic stature. Through a related series of events, this main character, the tragic hero or heroine, is brought to a final down fall. Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah
2- Comedy Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah Is a fictional work in which the materials are selected and managed primarily in order to interest and amuse us. The characters engage our pleasurable attention rather than our profound concern. We are made to feel confident that no great disaster will occur, and usually the action turns out happily for the chief characters.
Stage Directions They are essential to drama as they tell the actors and actresses how to move or how they should deliver certain lines. The director of a play makes particular use of stage directions. Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah
Soliloquy A speech, usually lengthy, in which a character, alone on stage, expresses his or her thoughts aloud. The soliloquy is a very useful dramatic device, as it allows the dramatist to convey a character’s most intimate thoughts and feelings directly to the audience. Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah
Aside Words spoken by a character in a play, usually in an undertone, not intended to be heard by other characters on stage. The aside is used in the theatre to let the audience know what a character is really thinking or feeling as opposed to what he or she pretends to be thinking or feeling. Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah
Symbol Any object, person, place, or action that has a meaning in itself and that also stands for something larger than itself, such as a quality, an attitude, a belief, or a value. Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah