Superintendent Report Meeting of the Board of Education April 21, 2015
Some Pictures Woodside Presents, "Bugz" There was a playful picnic on the stage of Woodside Elementary when our students recently presented the musical, “Bugz” for parents and classmates. All of our students helped pitch in – our Lady Bugs were in charge of proper etiquette, the Army Ants handled security, the Fireflies lit up the stage and entertainment was provided by the Bumble Bees. The Stink Bug was even there to get a few laughs out of the day’s guests! Special thanks to all who helped make the play a success and to our audience members for attending the show. Happy spring, everyone! PKMS Students Visit PNW BOCES Tech Center On April 8, 40 eighth grade students from Peekskill Middle School had the opportunity to travel to the Yorktown BOCES Tech Center to tour classrooms and facilities while examining their future options for 11th and 12th grade study. While on their visit, PKMS students participated in classroom lessons and were engaged in hands-on activities associated with a variety of BOCES programs. Peekskill students were able to test their skills at using medical instruments in the Medical Assistant program. They were also able to try bending pipes in the Construction Electricity program and use microscopes to study plants and animals in the New Visions Environmental Science and Sustainability program. “The students had a wonderful time and asked lots of questions,” said PKMS teacher, Scott Tabone who accompanied the students on the trip. PKMS Environmental Club Hard at Work at Depew Park The PKMS Environmental Club have been busy preparing to participate in the 2015 Wheelabrator Symposium. As part of their research project, the club has been frequenting Depew Park to remove debris from Lake Mitchell and clear water drainage areas. While at the park club members also checked the structural integrity of bridges on the trails, and removed invasive bayberry and bittersweet vines from park trails to use as Environmental art. PHS Drama Club PHS Drama Club will be presenting "The Wiz" on May 7, 8 & 9. Here's a photo of some cast and crew members hard at work on the set.
Student Council Report
Adoption of Tentative 2015/2016 Educational Plan and Budget
Miscellaneous Items Contracts Under $10,000 Marcia Delcourt - Provide grant proposal preparation services for Community Schools Grant Initiative; July 1, June 30, 2015; Not to Exceed $5,000 Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS) - Provide District with a social worker; September 1, June 30, 2015; Not to Exceed $9,500 Grants/Donations Under $5,000 Kohl's Department Store - Assist students who are unable to financially attend the 8 th grade dance. Monies to be placed in the student government GO Account; $500