Katie Yurkewicz July 15, 2011 Interactions budget report
Incoming funds (FY2010) Total: $75K $10K CERN DESY Fermilab KEK $5K Argonne Berkeley Brookhaven IN2P3 INFN STFC TRIUMF NIKHEF* SLAC* * Requested, not received First Global Particle Physics Photowalk 2
Expenses covered by Collaboration funds Xeno media contract $60K/year + $9.7K overhead (16.17%) $7.8K Travel to 2 collaboration meetings ($7K+ $0.8K overhead) Total: $77.5K $75K collected in FY2010 First Global Particle Physics Photowalk 3
Expenses covered by special funds Quantum Diaries $15K for quarter-time QD editor Cost split by CERN (50%), TRIUMF and Fermilab (25% each) Photowalk calendar $5K for design Costs split by Fermilab and CERN (50% each) First Global Particle Physics Photowalk 4
Institutions from whom monetary contributions are not requested IPMU ILC INFN Frascati INFN Gran Sasso IRFU/CEA IHEP Beijing JINR First Global Particle Physics Photowalk 5
FY2011 Invoices coming very soon (issued late this year) Please check the spreadsheet online to make sure your contact information is correct! First Global Particle Physics Photowalk 6