A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave I
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Implored (v) To beg urgently.
Morose(adj) Gloomy; ill-tempered.
Spector (n) Ghost.
Benevolence (n) Goodwill; charitableness.
Penance (n) Punishment to make up wrongdoing or sin.
A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave II
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Jocund (adj) Cheerful; merry.
Avarice (n) Insatiable greed.
Sordid (adj) Of moral low character; vile; base.
Tumultuous (adj) Disorderly or chaotic.
Boisterous (adj) Noisily rowdy and joyful.
A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave III
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Prodigiously (adv) Extraordinarily; marvelous or wonderful.
Apoplectic (adj) Intense enough to cause bodily harm.
Ubiquitous (adj) Existing or being everywhere.
Odious (adj) Hateful; detestable.
Officious (adj) Proceeding with forwardness.
Heresy (n) Rejection of a well-accepted belief or culture.
A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave IV
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Solemn (adj) Grave, somber, or mirthless.
Inexorable (adj) Unyielding.
Bereft (v) To deprive and make desolate, usually by death.
Entreaty (n) Earnest request or petition.
A Christmas Carol Notecards Stave V
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Illustrious (adj) Highly distinguished; well renowned.
Blithe (adj) Joyous, merry, or cheerful.
Unanimity (n) The state or being of being unanimous, or agreed upon.
Munificence (n) The quality of being extremely generous.
Malady (n) Disorder or disease.