Career Interest Area: Teaching Presented by: Hannah Maness
Overview: Why choose a career in teaching? ▪ A career in teaching may seem fairly self-explanatory. It is important to remember that teachers provide the foundation for students to learn and live successful lives. Therefore, teaching is not a task to be taken lightly! ▪ Teachers are committed to having a positive impact on the lives of students. ▪ The need for strong, well-educated teachers has never been greater. ▪ The demand for well-qualified teachers is expected to rise over the next ten years. ▪ Education is a dynamic and rewarding field. A career in teaching promises an exciting work environment that is filled with new experiences and discoveries. ▪ There are many options to explore in the field of teaching and education.
Education & Career Path for Teaching ▪ Bachelor’s degree – programs vary ▪ State teaching license – Elementary or Secondary ▪ Other special licenses and certifications are needed for areas such as Special Education, AP, etc. ▪ Can pursue a Master’s degree such as a Master of Arts in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, or a Master’s degree related to a particular area of interest ▪ Doctorate degree may be pursued for higher education, administration, etc. ▪ There are lots of possible career paths for teaching and there is room for movement within the field of education.
Skills required for Teaching ▪ Excellent oral and written communication ▪ Positive attitude ▪ Creativity ▪ Enthusiasm ▪ Organization ▪ Sense of humor ▪ Confidence ▪ Patience ▪ Good listener
Jobs associated with Teaching ▪ Elementary school teacher ▪ Middle school teacher ▪ High school teacher ▪ Preschool teacher ▪ Special education teacher ▪ School counselor ▪ Administrator – principal, assistant principal, director ▪ Postsecondary - College professor ▪ …And there are lots of other options in the field of Education!
Salary associated with teaching jobs Note: These numbers can vary significantly by state. North Carolina, for example, is on the lower-end of the list for teachers’ pay.
My interest in teaching…holds strong! My interest in a career in teaching and education is strong, and my interest in this field continues to grow. I have a passion for working with students, and I would like to use this as an opportunity to have a positive impact on their lives. Teaching is under-appreciated, yet highly important; and I want to help change the negative stereotype that is sometimes now associated with teaching and education. There is a great need for quality educators at this point in time, and I am excited to help fulfill this need in the future. I plan to begin my career as a math teacher, while keeping an open mind about other options in the field of education later on.