Goal 6 Part 3 Acquiring New Lands
Imperialistic America (Early 1900s)
PUERTO RICO (Military vs. Civil) Military rule in Puerto Rico after the Spanish American War ********** FORAKER ACT (1900) ************ Ended military rule in Puerto Rico and established a “civil” government U.S. President appoints Puerto Rico’s Governor and other legislators. Why is Puerto Rico so important To the U.S? - Caribbean presence
Independent Cuba Cuba writes a Constitution (freedom from Spain) *********“TELLER AMENDMENT”********* - A “promise” from America that states the U.S. had “NO” intention of invading Cuba! (establishes independence / while the Treaty of Paris further guaranteed Ind. for Cuba) Cuban Constitution had a HUGE problem!!!!!
Platt Amendment (CUBA) (Amendment to Cuban Constitution After the Spanish American War 1898) Problem: DID NOT include a relationship between U.S. and Cuba! Solution: U.S. says fix it! Result: Fixed and resolved Stayed in effect for 31 years Cuba was seen as a “ protectorate ” - a country’s whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power Overall Outcome of Platt Amendment: Established U.S. “CONTROL” over Cuba
Platt Amendment (CUBA) Cuba can’t make treaties with other countries that may bring in “control” from another country Cuba couldn’t go in debt (debt that cannot be repaid) U.S reserved the right to intervene with Cuba U.S. could buy or lease land for naval purposes OVERALL: A relationship is present
The Spanish-American War The Spanish-American War Puerto Rico and Cuba Puerto Rico Puerto Rico strategic post in Caribbean, for protection of future canal Foraker Act 1900, Foraker Act sets up civil government - president appoints governor, upper house 1917, Puerto Ricans made U.S. citizens; elect both houses President McKinley installed a military government to protect American business interests. Cuba Cuba drafted a constitution in 1900 that did not allow for U.S. involvement. Platt Amendment. The U.S. government only agreed to remove its troops if Cuba included the Platt Amendment. Platt Amendment The Platt Amendment remained in place until It allowed for U.S. naval bases including Guantanamo Bay on the island and intervention whenever necessary.
American “control” over Cuba “Platt Amendment”
Philippine American War ( ) Emilio Aguinaldo: Leader of the Filipino uprising against America 1899 – Filipinos lead a revolution Filipinos HATE the Treaty of Paris Remember: Treaty of Paris annexed the Philippines (20 million) U.S. – forced Filipinos to live in designated zones Cost: $400 million – 20 times the amount they paid for purchasing the islands
Uncle Sam (America) struggles with mule (Philippines). Tangled by rope against tree (imperialism). Spaniard walk away freely leaving America to deal with the unruly donkey (Philippines)
Filipino Casualties Philippine – American War ( )
“Foreign Influence in China” ****Open Door Policy**** John Hay (1899) issued his ***** “Open Door Policy” ***** - letters to imperialistic leaders of the world proposing that the nations “share trading rights with everyone” in CHINA - Thus, CREATING AN OPEN DOOR Idea: No monopolistic ideas regarding Trade in CHINA!!!! Chinese Reaction: ANGER!!!!!
The Boxer Rebellion in China Reaction to Open Door Notes/ Policy Boxers – Chinese Patriots that opposed Christianity / foreign influence and wanted the “foreign devils” out of their country! Boxer Rebellion: 1900, troops from Britain, France, Germany and America marched through China destroyed the Chinese Boxers *(Boxer Rebellion)*
Russo-Japanese War ( ) ISSUE: Conflict between Russia and Japan in Manchuria (East Asia) over EXPANSION RIGHTS Peace Maker = Teddy Roosevelt “Demands” respect of the Open Door Policy (no monopolistic / imperialistic patterns in China) Result: Wins the Nobel Peace Prize Treaty of Portsmouth *(1905) – ends the Russo-Japanese War Russia abandoned their expansionist policy in Manchuria which gave the power to Japan
Russo- Japanese War
T. Roosevelt as Peacemaker
How did the Platt Amendment affect the political status of Cuba? A. It annexed Cuba into America B. It made Cuba a Spanish colony C. It gave the U.S. control over Cuba D. It granted Cuban Independence
Goal 6 Part 4 America as a World Power Teddy Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Policy Dollar and Moral Diplomacy Panama Canal
AFTER the Spanish American War (1898) U.S becomes a “world power or a world presence” McKinley is Assassinated Teddy Roosevelt is appointed In 1900 (Progressive) Square Deal / Bully Pulpit Trust-busting / Regulation Conservation / Health / Environment PANAMA CANAL
Panama Canal A “canal” that cuts through Central America Purpose: greatly reduce travel time for (1) “Commercial Trade” and (2) “Military / Naval maneuvering ”- ships are provided a shortcut between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans!
Possible Canal Routes (1) Nicaragua or (2) Panama (choice) Problem: U.S. needs permission from COLOMBIA before building the Panama Canal; (Colombia owned Panama)
Teddy Roosevelt digging out the Panama Canal (dirt)
Panamanian Revolution (1903) Panama rebels against Colombia American sponsored?????? Result: Panama wins! U.S. pays Panama $10 million and an annual rent of $250,000.00
From 1881 to 1887, France attempted to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. In 1903, the U.S. took over the project and signed a treaty granting permanent lease over a 10-mile wide swathe across Panama for $10 million and annual rent of $250,000. Over 40,000 worked on the canal, which will open Aug. 15,1914 – reducing trip times by 8,000 miles.
“Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick” Old West African Proverb used by Teddy Roosevelt to explain his Latin American policy (BIG STICK POLICY) *Maintain peace…but threaten with authority*
THE ROOSEVELT COROLLARY (1904) *** An extension of the Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary: - a “Latin American” policy that allowed America to be able to “exercise international POLICE power” Use force, if it calls for it, to protect American interests in Latin America “Policemen in the Western Hemisphere” “BIG STICK POLICY”
Dollar Diplomacy William Taft (President after Roosevelt ) arranged American bankers to LOAN money to Latin America, later adopted by Woodrow Wilson Overall Outcome: U.S. government will “GUARANTEE” loans made to Latin American countries that are made by American businesses Purpose:PROTECTION OF INVESTMENTS **** To have a U.S. presence in Latin America
Woodrow Wilson’s MORAL Diplomacy *Gave the Monroe Doctrine / Roosevelt Corollary a “MORAL” tone! POINT: Moral Diplomacy Woodrow Wilson WILL NOT recognize any Latin American country that is oppressive, undemocratic or hostile to U.S. interests! This HELPS spread Democracy!!!! Problem: MEXICO gets ANGRY!!! (Mexican government DID NOT care about their citizens)
Mexican Revolution Mexican government became hostile Rebels under the leadership of Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Emiliano Zapata opposed the Mexican government (Government in Mexico DID NOT have support from Mexicans)! Pancho Villa is supported by Wilson and America!
Mexican Rebel leader Pancho Villa
Pancho Villa (revolutionary) Problem: Wilson recognizes the “hostile” Mexican government …Pancho Villa gets Angry! Pancho’s trick: Invite the Americans to Mexico for job opportunities… got off the train and Pancho Villa shot all 17 Americans! *Pancho Villa invades New Mexico! America = = Pancho Villa Raids
Wilson’s Response to Pancho Villa “CHASING VILLA” John J. Pershing was sent to capture Pancho Villa, dead or alive! America set up on the border Mexico = ANGRY!!!!! War is about to break out!!!!
BIG TURN OF EVENTS Wilson orders John J. Pershing to return home…war was called off (WITH MEXICO) Why? WWI had been going on in Europe for three years at that point (1917) U.S. isn’t “directly” involved in WWI until 1917 U.S. needs PEACE with Southern borders, so they can concentrate on WWI (ONE war at a time….where did we learn that??) Remember: U.S. entry into WWI (1917) ends the Progressive Era and the Pancho Villa Raids
Legacies with America in early 20 th century (1) Expanded foreign markets (2) Built up the Navy (in order to compete and to protect interests/investments in foreign markets) (3) U.S. exercised it’s “dominant” international police power in Latin America (4) *Most Significant: America emerged as a “ WORLD POWER ” after the Spanish-American War (1898)