Viewed from Pillar Point Bluff preserve and CA Coastal Trail, the Big Wave site lies between Pillar Point Marsh and the open farmed fields of Half Moon Bay Airport, with Rancho Corral de Tierra extending beyond to the top of Montara Mountain.
The massive Big Wave Project will intrude into this pristine view from harbor beach trail, across Pillar Point Marsh, north to Montara Mountain and Rancho Corral de Tierra open space preserve.
Story poles show a portion of the Wellness Center from Airport St., the nearest road to the coast and bicycle thread of the CA Coastal Trail. Pillar Point and coastal bluffs would be blocked from view.
Big Wave Project story poles from Airport St. -- Wellness Center on left, & 2 of 8 Office Park buildings in distance. These tall massive buildings, grossly out of scale with their surroundings, will destroy all sense of place along this coastal route.
Story poles for 4 of the 8 office buildings, from Airport St. Coastal bluffs are blocked from view, single-story affordable housing community dwarfed next door. Filling in the other 4 buildings will present a solid view-blocking wall.