Chapter 15 Exercises Click on Left mouse button to begin and advance the show. Questions are in black and answers are in red.
ad [casa, -ae (f.) + magnus, -a, -um] (singular) prope [murus, -i (m.) + ingens, ingentis] (plural) sub [arbor, arboris (f.) + pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum] (plural) to the large house under the beautiful trees near the huge walls For each of the following place the noun and adjective in the case appropriate to the accompanying preposition. Then provide a translation for the entire phrase. Note whether the singular or plural is asked for: ad casam magnam sub arboribus pulchrīs prope murōs ingentēs exercises
dē [fēmina, -ae (f.) + Romanus, -a, -um] (singular) post [cēna, -ae (f.) + omnis, omne] (singular) about the Roman woman after every dinner dē fēminā Romanā post cēnam omnem back to main