The leading business software solution for companies in the fashion industry Since customers > users 37 countries worldwide network of reselling partners
Product types Apparel Footwear Accesories (bags, hats, caps, shawls) Sporting goods
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purchases logisticssales manufac- turing finance CRM ………. becomes Pebblestone Fashion !!! Standard dynamics nav ………
What’s New in Pebblestone 2013R2 The main focus in this release has been on the brand owners, distributors and private labellers that need to register their design - and engineering details in Pebblestone Fashion. For this purpose we have deeply revised and simplified our Product Lifecycle Management and Product Data Management granules.
Calculations The Basic Calculation Worksheet can be used to easily estimate the landed costs for all the items in the new collection. A good estimation of the landed costs is necessary for a good estimation of the COGS. Without specifying the landed costs upfront the expected COGS will be fully based on the amounts of the purchase receipts, neglecting all other costs related to acquiring the items. After registering the purchase prices in Pebblestone Fashion the Freight -, Insurance -, Duties - and Additional costs can easily be calculated directly in the provided Basic Calculation Worksheet.
Calculations First the items can be loaded in the worksheet using the Get Items functions. The Calculate Cost function allows you to determine the cost elements by applying factors or percentages over the costs that have been determined already, such as the purchase price. Additionally Excel can be used to setup more complex formulas, using the Export to- and Import from Excel functions.
New Controller Role centre A new Role Center has been developed for the Controllers. This dashboard allows the controller to monitor the progress in designing and engineering all the items within a particular product line. The controller can setup his own product line(s) and the deadlines for the critical steps. Items that are created for this product line are automatically shown in the PLM overview. The progress of the items is updated in the individual PLMs, and is summarized to the level of the critical steps and can be monitored in one overview. The controller can choose two dimensions (e.g. Brand and Product Group or Collection and Item Category) to group the items per combination of the selected dimensions. Per unique combination a budget can also be registered upfront. It is also possible to filter the overview on overdue PLMs only (overdue compared to the original planning).
Product Developer Role Centre On the Product Developer Role Center the PLM Activities have been added. This enables the Product Developer to start, close and reassign his PLM activities directly from the dashboard, without opening the PLM. The activities are by default sorted on the planned ending date and it is also possible to see if the activity is the next activity to start according to the PLM.
Approval Workflows The standard NAV approvals have been extended to setup approval workflows for PLM, Calculations and Measurements. With a workflow setup an approval request will be sent to the responsible persons before a PLM, Calculation or Measurement can be released or certified. The standard NAV Approval Workflow already has the capability to send approval requests by (using a predefined template) and to setup an approval workflow with the persons responsible and people that can replace the persons responsible when they are unavailable.
Measurements It is no longer necessary to choose a phase prior to viewing the specs. There is now only oneactive version for the specs and this version is directly linked to the item it concerns. Older versions of the specs can be viewed as archived versions directly from the Measurement. those archived versions can still be selected as contrast versions to make the comparison in the specs. One can easily create an archived version prior to making changes, using the Archive function. It is now also possible to create multiple archived version for the same Phase. Furthermore it is possible to have the system create archived versions automatically when the Phase on the Measurement Card changes. Another improvement is that it is now possible to register the re-measures of the specs. The remeasures can be entered as part of a quality check for a sample. When registering the measures,
PLM Notifications The notification capabilities of the PLM has been extended. Besides the existing overdue and not started notification batches some changes in the PLM, such as closing, starting, reassignments or re-planning, will generate notifications as well. As a team member you can setup if and how the different notifications are received. It is possible to receive them in an , but also in Pebblestone Fashion as notifications on the dashboard
General Improvements Delivery Worksheet Summary & Delivery Overview Item Planning for multiple items in one overview Compare periods with the Sales Target & Analysis View on the Role Center ·Several improvements on the Requisition Worksheet Delivery and Receipt Worksheet posting options as a companywide default Customer-ready Reporting
Delivery Worksheet The Delivery Worksheet Summary has been improved. The dimensions that can be used to summarize the delivery worksheet has been extended from six to twenty-nine. And the performance to calculate the summary has been improved. In the previous versions of Pebblestone Fashion it was necessary to preselect six dimensions in Pebblestone Fashion Setup, which could be chosen in the Delivery Worksheet Summary. Those fields are now obsolete, as they can be directly chosen in the summary. The Delivery Overview has been extended with a lot of filter capabilities and the performance has been improved. On the Filters FastTab 18 fields where can be filtered on are available.
Item Planning It is now possible to open the Item Planning directly from the Item List, using Actions and Item Planning. As a consequence multiple items can be selected in the Item List, which will all be shown in the Item Planning. In the Item List the items can be first be filtered and then the items can be selected, before opening the Item Planning. Please note that for performance reasons it is wise to limit the number of items that are shown in in one time, because for every colour-size combination the general availability is calculated
Sales Target & Analysis Charts In Pebblestone Fashion 2013 R2 the Sales Target & Analysis charts were added to the Role centre for the President of Small Business and the Sales Representative. In this version the possibility has been added to compare different periods within a certain dimension in the Sales Target & Analysis charts. For example the collections per quarter:
Requisitions & Planning Worksheet The Lot Accumulation/Time Bucket - and rescheduling period are automatically grouped on item level when calculating the planning in the Requisition – or Planning Worksheets, rather than on item variant level. This prevents that separate purchase – or production orders will be proposed because one variant has a slightly different due date than the other item variants. With SKU’s in place the same applies to the Item per Location. On the Requisition Worksheet a function Calculate Quantity has been added which allow you to change the proposed quantities with a certain factor or with additional quantities.
Delivery & Receipt Worksheets It is now possible to predefine the options that are offered while posting the Delivery and Receipt worksheets on the Delivery - and the Receipt Worksheet Setup. When the posting options have been predefined they cannot be changed by the user when posting the worksheets.
Customer Ready Reporting For the most common documents, such as the order confirmation or the sales invoice, customer-ready report layouts are now available. The address block on the reports are correctly aligned to be sent in envelope with an envelope window. The documents have a footer with the company information and for example on the sales invoice the amounts and due dates of the payment discounts are printed together with the total amount of the sales invoice.