Supporting clusters in Kuyavia and Pomerania Region Torun, 24th October 2013 r.
Supporting clusters in Kuyavia and Pomerania Region Consortium Torun Regional Development Agency Kuyavia and Pomerania Innovation Agency
Supporting clusters in Kuyavia and Pomerania Region Cluster- „geographic concentrations of interconected companies, specilized suppliers, service providers, firms in related industries and associated organizations (such as universities, standard agencies, trade associations) in a particular filed linked by commonalities and complementarities. There is competition as well as cooperation.” Michael Porter
Fund for supporting clusters Aplicant = Cluster coordinator Stakeholders: -enterprises; -local authorities; -business supporting organisations; -universities and other R&D organisations Cluster – at least 5 enterprieses + at least one other type of partner
Supporting clusters in Kuyavia and Pomerania Region 1st stage – supporting the identification of local and regional clusters and establishing the development strategies (which will include the proposals of common projects) 2nd stage – supporting the implementation of common projects
Supporting clusters in Kuyavia and Pomerania Region Fund for supporting clusters – 4,7 mln € De minimis aid intensity (non-repayable grants): 1st stage – up to 95% of eligible costs (maximum project value – no more than PLN – about €) 2nd stage – up to 85% of eligible costs, (maximum project value – no more than PLN – about €)
Supporting clusters in Kuyavia and Pomerania Region Framework agenda: November/December 2013: kick-off meeting, 1st call for proposals March/April 2014: evaluation of proposals (1st call), contracts (1st call), 2nd call for proposals May/June 2014: evaluation of proposals (2nd call), contracts (2nd call)
Supporting clusters in Kuyavia and Pomerania Region Contact Point Torun Technology Park, 167 Wloclawska st, Toruń Katarzyna Słomska, Piotr Józefiak Phone:
Cluster Contact Point -identification of clusters and clusters initiatives, -promotion of clusters and clusters initiatives, -supporting an international cooperation between clusters Contact: phone
Supporting clusters in Kuyavia and Pomerania Region Piotr Józefiak Contact Point Phone