Roles and Responsibilities
LL istening & Critical Thinking TT ime Management TT eam Building PP lanning & Implementation DD eveloping Facilitation skills OO rganizing & Delegating Leadership Roles
Toastmaster of the day Table Topics Master General Evaluator Word Master Project Speaker Project Evaluator Table Topics Speaker Grammarian Ah Counter Joke Master Few Roles in TM Meeting.
Toast Master of the day Sets the pace and quality of the meeting Before the meeting Agenda & Role Players Notes & Intros Have theme with Analogy or Fillers Upon Arrival at the meeting Affirm Presence of role players Last min changes
Toast Master of the day Sets the pace and quality of the meeting During the meeting Mention changes on the Agenda Make the meeting seamless Follow TM protocol Lead applauses After the meeting Sent a post meeting message Mentor the next TMOD
Introduce the concept and the rules Involve everyone Give topics with enough scope to speak Repeat the topic twice Name-topic-topic-Name Avoid long sentences and phrases. Call attendees without roles first Table Topics Master learns to think on one’s feet
Choose a word Introduce the etymology Provide examples Inform the different forms Word Master Enhances vocabulary
Arrive before the meeting starts Observe & Make notes Provide feedback and comments Analyze all role players Special emphasis on Evaluators General Evaluator Overall analysis & recommendations
Speakers – Star Performers Discuss with mentor Discuss with evaluator Prepare… Practice … Present Test venue & equipment Arrange back-up if backing out Project speakers Develops speaking skills
Be a motivator Constructive feedback Refer to the TM as “the speaker” Use positive language Try the Sandwich approach Recommend Evaluators Improves analytical and recommendation skills
Familiarize with timing device Know the timing rules Time every role player Inform President if timing is going wary Pay attention Timer E nhances time management skills
Listen and analyze Provide correct usage Avoid singling out members Follow-up over e mail Grammarian & ah counter Improves language skills
Few single liners Joke master learns to tell a joke
Sergeant at Arms Sets the tone of the meeting Arranges for snacks Co-ordinates overall activities Arrives early & Prepares the venue Ensures the working of all equipment's & set the venue Collect and Tally votes Return the venue to its original state