tuva (vai) Leivada noiandiamo voiandate Lorovadano ANDARE
You are a high-profile designer giving commands to your employees. Translate the following phrases: (To your assistant) Go and get me a sandwich! (To your other assistant) Go to the café and get coffee! (To the CEO of Bloomingdales) Go to Fashion Week! Its fun! (To several members of your design team) Go finish the work for the fashion show! (Loro) Go to the park for a break! RIPASSIAMO!
DARE tuda (dai) Leidia noidiamo voidate Lorodiano
You are still the same designer and in a frantic rush to finish your designs before Fashion Week in Milan. Give the following commands to your team: (To your assistant) Give me the scissors! (To a high-profile model) Give me a moment to finish the skirt! (To the members of your design team) Give me five minutes to think! Lets give a great fashion show! (To your assistant) Dont give me excuses! (Loro) Give the clothes to the models! RIPASSIAMO!
FARE tufa (fai) Leifaccia noifacciamo voifate Lorofacciano
Frasi Originali Scrivete cinque frasi originali usando tutti i pronomi
STARE tusta (stai) Leistia noistiamo voistate Lorostiano
Ripassiamo Turn to your partner and tell them the following commands, pretending they are the person described for each sentence. Tu – stay home! Lei – stay at school! Noi – Lets stay at the park! Voi – Stay where you are! Loro – They should stay far away from here!
DIRE tudi Leidica noidiciamo voidite Lorodicono
AVERE tuabbi Leiabbia noiabbiamo voiabbiate Loroabbiano
ESSERE tusii Leisia noisiamo voisiate Lorosiano
You are still the same designer and in a frantic rush to finish your designs before Fashion Week in Milan. Give the following commands to your team: (To your assistant) Be smart! (To a high-profile model) Be fast! (To the members of your design team) Be ready! RIPASSIAMO!
VENIRE tuvieni Leivenga noiveniamo voivenite Lorovengano
You are still the same designer and in a frantic rush to finish your designs before Fashion Week in Milan. Give the following commands to your team: (To your assistant) Come here! (To a high-profile model) Come to the fashion show! (To the members of your design team) Come to my house! RIPASSIAMO!