INLS 151 wed, mar 04, 2015
today’s line-up… Search strategies continued – Subject headings – Boolean operators – Truncation – Exact phrases Specialized databases In-class search exercises Evaluating resources [handout] Data-to-story project check-in Mid-term exam – due Wed March 18
follow-up from last class controlled vocabulary – subject headings – thesaurus allow you to see how your term/concept is identified within the particular database by using this metadata you can find material that has been identified as really relating to the term (not just a term included in the text)
SEARCH OPERATORS & SYNTAX AND OR NOT Connect your seach words together to either narrow or broaden your set of results Combine using parentheses (death or dying) AND grief (woman or female or girl) AND (athlete or sports) * truncationSearches alternate word endings wom* (searches for woman or women) Genetic* (finds genetic, genetics, genetically) “phrases”Searches multiple words as a phrase in that specific order “death and dying”
search process Divide your topic into individual concepts – Single mothers – Happiness | well-being | life satisfaction Look for a subject heading that addresses each individual concept Combine searches (search history) using “AND” or “OR” May need to do some free text term searches THEN try a similar search in another database
Specialized literature databases PsycINFO PubMed JSTOR
In-class exercise Using the worksheet strategies, complete either search task #1 or #2 Share with class
TeamMembers 1James, Caitlin, Bill & Matt 2Emily, Josh & Porsha 3Grace, Henry, Javairia & Benny 4Terry 5Cherish 6Greg 7Sophia, Ryan, Rickell & Mark 8Alex, Ben, Charlie, Maddie 9Lucy, May & Emma 10Kaley 11Erin & Sam