軽い重イオン散乱における 三体斥力の効果 古本 猛憲 ( 大阪市立大学・理学研究科 ) 「少数系物理の現状と今後の展望」研究会 (Dec 23-25, 2008 at RCNP) 共同研究者 櫻木 千典 ( 大阪市立大学・理学研究科 ) 山本 安夫 ( 都留文科大学 )


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Presentation transcript:

軽い重イオン散乱における 三体斥力の効果 古本 猛憲 ( 大阪市立大学・理学研究科 ) 「少数系物理の現状と今後の展望」研究会 (Dec 23-25, 2008 at RCNP) 共同研究者 櫻木 千典 ( 大阪市立大学・理学研究科 ) 山本 安夫 ( 都留文科大学 )

Contents 1.New complex G-matrix (CEG07) ・ modern NN interaction in free space “ESC04” (Extended Soft-Core) ・ includes the Three-Body Force (TBF) effects ・ satisfy the nuclear-matter saturation property 2. Application to N-A elastic scattering ・ Single-Folding model for p + 12 C 3. Application to A-A elastic scattering ・ Double-Folding model for 16 O + 16 O & other systems important role of three-body force (TBF)

“ESC04” : the latest version of Extended Soft-Core force designed for NN, YN and YY systems Th. Rijken, Y. Yamamoto, Phys.Rev.C 73 (2006) Complex G-matrix interaction ( CEG07 ) T.Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and Y. Yamamoto, Phys.Rev.C 78 (2008) Three-body attraction (TBA) ・ Fujita-Miyazawa diagram ・ important at low density region 2. Three-body repulsion (TBR) ・ originated the triple-meson correlation ・ important at high-density region density-dependent effective two-body force In the ESC04 model

Complex G-matrix interaction ( CEG07 ) includes the three-body force switch off three-body force (two-body only) derived from ESC04 NN force (Extended Soft-Core) Decisive role to make the saturation curve realistic

Single folding Potential (Central part) Proton Target R r T(s) Complex G-matrix interaction (CEG07)

Single folding Potential (LS part) Proton Target R r T (LS) (s) Complex G-matrix interaction (CEG07)

Renormalization of the imaginary potential strength fix N W -value to be 0.65 to reproduce the measured total reaction cross sections

p- 12 C elastic scattering

Comparison of the folding potential at E = 122 MeV CEG07a(two body only) vs CEG07b(with TBF) mainly seen in the real central part TBF effect

This difference appears in analyzing power Comparison of the folding potential at E = 122 MeV CEG07a(two body only) vs CEG07b(with TBF) TBF effect

Nucleon-Nucleus (one nuclear matter) Nucleus-Nucleus (two nuclear matters)

Double folding Potential R r1r1 r2r2 v NN (s) Projectile(1) Target(2) Complex G-matrix interaction (CEG07) Frozen-density app. (FDA)

Double folding Potential R r1r1 r2r2 v NN (s) Projectile(1) Target(2) Frozen-density app. (FDA) Renormalization factor

16 O + 16 O elastic scattering @ E/A = 70 MeV T.Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and Y. Yamamoto, (Phys.Rev.C rapid communications (2008) in press) important effect of three-body force

Double folding Potential R r1r1 r2r2 v NN (s) Projectile(1) Target(2) Local density approximation (LDA) FDA

局所密度近似 (LDA) 16 O + 16 O folding potentials with CEG07b (with TBF) @ E/A = 70 MeV FDA

局所密度近似 (LDA) 16 O + 16 O elastic scattering with CEG07b (with TBF) @ E/A = 70 MeV FDA

16 O + 12 C, 12 C + 12 C elastic scattering @ E/A = 93.9, 135 MeV important effect of three-body force

Summary We have proposed a new complex G-matrix (CEG07) - derived from modern NN interaction model; ESC04 (extended soft-core) - include Three-Body Force (TBF) effect to be consistent with saturation property CEG07 with TBF-effects is successful for both - proton-nucleus (N-A) and nucleus-nucleus (A-A) elastic scattering Decisive role of Three-Body Force (TBF) effect is found. - particularly TBR (Three-Body Repulsion) effect is essential, both for nuclear saturation & nucleus-nucleus scattering