News – 22 September 2010 Still more refinements on the understanding of the timepix calibration We are now at the ~20 electron level of precision Propose to periodically update Marina’s summary from 22/09. New Information: In a train of n testpulses, first testpulse is systematically low by ~ 8 mV (even when n=1) The testpulse offset has a small linear dependence on the testpulse value Also have established that DUT had a depletion voltage of ~10 (not ~100) Volts. Hence we operated significantly overdepleted, and measured a worse perpendicular resolution than necessary. However what we measured is probably appropriate for LHCb operating conditions 1
Electronics & readout meeting: Doodle poll to establish availabilities: date set for 7 th December in Oxford (many thanks to Andrei). EVO for those who cannot make it. LOI is still in iteration: Please take the opportunity to read/comment/contribute if you did not already do so The strawman module drawing will be updated Information on material will be added March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 2
Testbeam 2009 publication Progressing slowly Some new results shown today Remaining areas: High number of unused clusters mystery Track extrapolation precision simulation/data mismatch LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 3
Status of 2009 paper (some movement) Comments welcome at any stage Thanks to our heroic editor Vava! (no need to polish your figures etc. he will do this) Status of the sections: Timepix chip description (RP) Timepix Telescope description (RP) Determination of calibration parameters and threshold (MA) Clustering algorithm & results (PC, VG, ZX) Tracking (PC) Alignment (PC,JG) Track Pointing Precision (PC) Data Sets (PC) Determination of zero angle (ZX) General Cluster characteristics (looking for a volunteer!) Landau distributions in DUT (Syracuse) Efficiency and noise as a function of threshold (HG) Timewalk (MvB) Pulseshape (Syracuse) HV Scans (Syracuse) Angle Scans – clusters (Syracuse) Angle Scans - resolutions (PC) 45 degree data angle scans (Syracuse) Row column asymetries (TM, FB) Ikrum scans (DH) 3d sensor (GS) 4 Text and plots exist Plots exist – text on the way Work to do