Status of RTH Tokyo Japan Meteorological Agency Presented by Tatsuya Noyori Expert Team on WIS-GTS Communication Techniques and Structure (TOULOUSE, France, MAY 2008)
1. Current status of the GTS -Region II (Asia)-
2. GTS links connected with RTH Tokyo Tokyo Manila Bangkok New Delhi Beijing Hong Kong Khabarovsk Seoul Melbourne Washington Melbourne 192kbps 64kbps Frame Relay (FR) Network-to-network Interconnections 128kbps Seoul Khabarovsk 64 kbps Dedicated line connections BT FR Network (Cloud I) 1.5 Mbps 256 kbps 1.5 Mbps Improved MTN (Two Seamless Networks) 1Mbps 2 Mbps Hong Kong Bangkok OBS MPLS Network (Cloud II) MTN All links are being operated on TCP/IP basis. Six of nine are IP over Frame Relay. Two of nine are MPLS. New Delhi Beijing Regional Telecommunication Hub (RTH) Tokyo Manila KDDI FR Network CAT PCCW DACOM 64kbps PLDT FR Network 128 kbps Regional circuits
3. Traffic status of the Tokyo-Washington link CIR=32kbps CIR=768kbps Tokyo FR Washington 1.5Mbps 1160 Mbytes/day 26 Mbytes/day
4. Traffic status of the Tokyo-Melbourne link CIR=16kbps CIR=32kbps Tokyo FR Melbourne 256kbps 1.5Mbps 183 Mbytes/day 157 Mbytes/day
5. Traffic status of the Tokyo-Beijing link Tokyo MPLS Beijing 2 Mbps 1 Mbps 464 Mbytes/day 441 Mbytes/day
6. Traffic status of the Tokyo-New Delhi link Tokyo MPLS New Delhi 128 kbps 1 Mbps 1 Mbytes/day 41 Mbytes/day
7. Traffic status of the Tokyo-Khabarovsk link Tokyo Dedicated line Khabarovsk 64 kbps 1 Mbps 2 Mbytes/day 11 Mbytes/day
8. Traffic status of the Tokyo-Bangkok link 1 Mbytes/day 60 Mbytes/day Tokyo FR Bangkok 128kbps192kbps FR CIR=16kbps
9. Traffic status of the Tokyo-Hong Kong link Tokyo FR Hong Kong 64kbps192kbps FR CIR=16kbps 1 Mbytes/day 197 Mbytes/day
10. Traffic status of the Tokyo-Seoul link CIR=16kbps Tokyo FR Seoul 64kbps192kbps FR 229 Mbytes/day 6 Mbytes/day
11. Traffic status of the Tokyo-Manila link CIR=16kbps Tokyo FR Manila 64kbps192kbps FR 46 Mbytes/day 1 Mbytes/day
Major functions supporting GTS operations + Message and Fax exchanges by both socket and so-called batched ftp through GTS + File exchanges by ftp through GTS + Collection of observational data by via the Internet Message/File Switching System Intranet systems NWP system Back-end system UNIX Operating system CPU 1.9GHz X 4 Memory 8GB UNIX Operating system CPU 1.9GHz X 4 Memory 8GB Message editing Fax format conversion BUFR encode & decode WMO monitoring Shared disk GTS links GTS links cluster control Interne t 12. GTS facilities in RTH Tokyo -Conceptual design- Central telecommunication facility in JMA was fully replaced in October The new GTS switching system is composed by two UNIX servers in a cluster.
13. JMA Internet Connection DMZ Load Balancer Public Servers JMA Intra- net ISP #1 Router Controllers Firewalls Packet Shapers 20Mbps Internet ISP #2 20Mbps Multi-homed connections for reliability FTP Servers Multi-homed connections to Internet with two dedicated links since 2001 Two 20 Mbps links in operation: one since February 2005, the other since March ISP #1 ISP #2
Thank you