By: Desirae Sela
“All those who pass this way leave all hope behind” That's the sign that people in the Peru says should be above the prison doors.
Life in prison: There are 35 cell mates to one cell. No beds. They go to the bathroom on the floor and showers run only once a week, for 15 mins. They have to PAY or everything. Even food and water. NO MONEY, NO SURVICE!
Medical Care: 50% of inmates have Aids or some other kind of disease. You can die from eating the food. Medical care is free, but you have to pass every door to get to the clinic.
Money: Inmates make money by doing different things. One being cleaning, and doing other “household” chores. But most inmates give sexual favors to the other, richer inmates. On visiting days, visitors come in and the inmates have sex at least 40 times a day, just to make money from outsiders.
Fun Facts: (That are not fun) Lurigancho Prison has room for 1600 inmates. There are currently over 6000 prisons, not counting the officers. The inmates are in charge of themselves. They are just not aloud to leave the prison walls. This means cleaning, bathing, and doing anything else they need, and making their own money.
Consequences: If a inmate gets caught fighting they get put in their pavilion in thick metal cages. There is a American prisoner there currently. He has served 18 months of 10 years. When reporters were there they talked to him for a few moments. This is what he said.. They get bread and water ONCE a day. They have NO WHERE to go to the bathroom. They get NO sunlight. They are not aloud to see medical care. This American has blood in his stool. He will die in prison.
Sources: Pictures are from: Google images.