Graduation Project Introducing the Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography information can be found on… pgs. 44—45 in the manual Please read example together as an advisory
What is an annotated bibliograhy? similar to Works Cited but includes summary/analysis of source publication info. two paragraphs containing brief summary of source and how student plans to use the source in his/her project
Required # of entries Career Exploration —8 entries Community Service —8 entries Curriculum Extension —10 entries
Due dates: one entry due with proposal on Thursday, April 1 complete annotated bibliography submitted to advisor before presentation date
Suggestion! students should create annotated bibliography using Noodle Tools
Noodle Tools many students already have accounts library can help students who are struggling
Sample annotated bibliography pg. 45 of manual should be two paragraphs in length
Weeks of March 15 th & 22nd students will write rough copy of one entry in Homeroom students must bring an actual source to homeroom
Week of March 15 th & 22 nd students will complete work on pg. 46 of manual