INTRODUCTION Type here about your science fair project Why you are interested in working on this idea. Why you think your project is important. Add background information ……..
PROBLEM Type here what you will be trying to find out with your project. Hypothesis Type here what your hypothesis is for your experiment.
Control Group Type what your control group is in your experiment. Type what your control group is in your experiment. Independent Variable Dependent Variable Type what the independent variable is in your experiment. Type what the independent variable is in your experiment. Type what the dependent variable is in your experiment. Type what the dependent variable is in your experiment.
MATERIALS List here the materials that you are going to need to do your experiment or research.
PROCEDURE Write here how you are going to do your experiment step by step.
DATA List here the data of your experiments or observations. You can make a table to organize your data.
RESULTS List the results of your experiments or observations. You can make a table or draw a graph to make it easy to understand for everybody.
CONCLUSION As a result of your experiment write the answer of these questions. FIRST-Restate the hypothesis and explain by giving SUPPORTING DATA if your hypothesis was or was not supported. INFER why the data turned out as it did. What did you find out? What did you learn during and in the end of the project….
APPLICATION Type here about How your project is helpful. What areas your project can be used.
NEXT TIME Type here about What the next step can be about this project. What your plan is about your next project based on this project.
Bibliography Use the MLA format to list the sources you used to find out information about your project.