The Importance of Precision Ag in Custom Operations Trindle Brueggen
Introduction What are Custom Operations Why use Precision Technologies Operations
What are Custom Operations? Defined as machine operations performed for the customer with the custom operator furnishing machine, fuel, labor and other inputs associated with the machine.
Why Precision Ag is Important to Custom Operations Increase Profits Economies of Scale USCHI Average per Combine in ,458 ac. Provide Better Service Stay Competitive in Market
Factors Influencing Adoption Customers Preference Acreage Crops
Technologies Guidance Mapping Variable Rate Application
Custom Operations Grain Harvesting Hay Spraying Planting
Grain Harvesting According to U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc. in % of harvesters had yield monitors, 76.1% of these had GPS, 50% of these provided yield maps to 22.9% of their customers. According to an Iowa State Survey Custom Harvesters charged an average of $2.25/acre extra to provide yield maps to customers.
Grain Harvesting (Cont.) Benefits to Harvester Better Service (Mapping)= More Jobs Improved Efficiency Auto-Steer JD Machine Sync = Less Worries Benefits to Customer Yield Mapping Save on inputs in other operations Higher Quality Service
Hay Benefits to Custom Operator More Accurate Numbers (Field Size, Yield) Improved efficiency (JD Tractor/Baler automation on 569 premium round baler) Benefits to Customer More Accurate Numbers Field Size Yield More Important in new fields (Pastures) Higher Quality Service
Planting Many different Technology options Row Crop vs. Grain Drill Variable Rate In row Fertilizer Similar Benefits to Harvesting Input Savings – Additional benefit to Customer
Spraying Precision Ag Common for Sprayers Level of technology again depends on crops and customers Similar Benefits to Planting