The Nifty Fifties… Ike Baby Boom An “affluent” nation Life in the 50s Suburbs Cars Television Rock n’ Roll Beatniks
Eisenhower (Ike)- 1953-1960
Ike, cont’d WW2 hero “middle of the road” president Grandfatherly Very popular
The Cold War at Home: MCCARTHYISM
The result of the blockade: JFK: blockade Nukes gone… we will leave Cuba alone…. (we also agree to remove nukes from Greece and Turkey)
Economic growth in 50s Why??? 1 Federal spending Roads, houses, schools GI Bill (next slide) Cold War spending 2 Baby boom (3,548,000 “consumers” born in 1950 alone) 3 Increased productivity w/ new technology Computers, nuclear power plants
Please have your Homework and Nifty Fifties notes out
DBQ/ DBQ essay tips Read essay question first Look for relevant information as you read the documents; underline, make marginal notes Write downs ideas for outside information
Outline the body of your essay Identify the tasks Brainstorm/ List the documents and supporting detail that will be used to support each part of the task Specific effects of threat of communism Documents Outside Information
Answering the questions READ QUESTIONS AND DOCUMENTS CAREFULLY There is no partial credit- RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS MUST BE FROM THE DOCUMENTS Obvious answers are PERFECTLY FINE Don’t be too vague- I am not allowed to “know what you mean” Complete sentences help ensure this
Effect at home: the “Red Scare”
Communists at the State Department: - State Department official Alger Hiss was imprisoned for perjury in 1950. - Hiss had lied under oath, denying that he was a part of a Soviet spy ring that sent U.S. government secrets to the Soviet Union.
Example of American fears of Communism: - Americans, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, were accused of stealing nuclear secrets for the Soviets. - The Rosenbergs were executed for their crimes in 1953.
McCarthy’s reckless claims: · In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy announced that he had a list of 205 State Department employees that were members of the Communist party. “McCarthyism” definition Since 1950s- unfair tactic of accusing people of disloyalty without providing evidence Audio: Senator Joseph McCarthy Responds to E.R. Murrow on CBS's See It Now
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Investigates communist influence inside and outside the government 1947- investigates the movie industry “The Hollywood Ten”- did not cooperate Sent to prison Blacklist- list of people considered to have communist backgrounds Careers were ruined
G.I. Bill billions of Fed. $ to WW2 veterans Pays for College tuition Cheap loans for homes, businesses, farms
Levittown and the Growth of Suburbs “Mass production” of homes GI Bill- cheap loans
The Baby Boom Generation is born: “Greatest Generation” grows up in Great Depression (30s), comes of age in WW2 (40s) 1950s?- lots and lots of BABIES!
1950s- Baby Boom
Television 1946- 17,000 tv’s exist 1950- 7,000,000 sold What are some effects of television on American life (political, economic, social)?
Rock n’ Roll ELVIS!!! Birth of the idea of a separate youth culture for Baby Boom Generation
Beatniks Founders of “counter culture” Reject materialism, shallowness of 50s Sets stage for counterculture of 60’s
1950s “Automania” 1956- Interstate Highway Act $250,000,000,000 for highways 41,000 miles of highway
Civilians could move out of URBAN AREAS Suburbs can be further and further away “White flight”- Poorer people remain in urban areas MILITARY could quickly move in event of war One of the reasons Eisenhower signs it Easier to TRANSPORT goods around country “trucking” leads to a decline in railroad use Stimulates other areas of the economy Hotels, fast food, tourism (Disneyland opens)