Enabling Sustainable Educational Service Delivery Through Social Enterprise Vorn Samphors, Country Program Director, Aide et Action Cambodia, Co-founder of iLEAD Education Social Enterprise
About AEA International Aide et Action International is an INGO specialized in education. Founded in 1981, to date Aide et Action has implemented over 110 projects in 24 countries. Programs successfully build the capacities and educate over 3 million beneficiaries (both children and adults) yearly The Heart of AEA Programs Create local program ownership through participatory approaches and beneficiary led implementation Cross-Cutting Program Goals Encourage autonomous communities through sustainable programming Guaranteed cultural relevance of all educational programs
ResourceCapacityCommitment social cohesion Why iLEAD ESE
Social Enterprise Objective 1.Using generated revenues to continue co-financing the rural community education project. 2.Strengthening the capacities of teachers by functioning as a centre of teacher training and resources. 3.Creating interconnected solidarity links rural/urban borders between actors in Cambodian society. 4.Research and Advocating for better educational services.
iLEAD Teacher Training iLEAD Community Centre Community Preschool CCOSC iLEAD International School
Board Employment Entrepreneurs hip Community Pre school Primary Kindergarten Primary TT Center Khmer Ed ILEAD ESE AEA-Cambodia Local authorities/ partners iLEAD International iLEAD Employment Center iLEAD Community Center iLEAD Teacher Training Center GEP/ICT Learning Toys&Libra Community project Social Tour
Establishment of quality British based curriculum incorporating holistic development of the child International School
Functioning as a Local CSOs to implement multiple community development services Community Centres
Teacher Training
54students with increasing monthly enrollment 21 community preschools 23 state preschools
iLEAD in the Future Supporting 21 community preschools and 23 (44 Teachers and students 3-5 years old) Teacher salaries Classroom materials Teacher Training and support Follow up coaching Constantly evolving and expanding: New teachers in the Teacher Training Program New students in iLEAD International School Identification and enrolment of OSC End of 2017 150 Communities 150 Teachers 3,500 students 5,000 OOSC identified and enrolled
Innovative and engagement for youth Youth play an integral role in every aspect of this model. The iLEAD social enterprise model harnesses the capacity of both local and international youth in every part of program design and implementation. There are specific roles include: Research and program design: review of best practices, market etc ICT training of teachers, parents and community members Community engagement and school mapping Establishment of youth clubs at the community level Awareness raising through community engagement campaigns Supporting the education of students at risk of dropping out through a tutoring program
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